> Aliens are causing global warming?

Aliens are causing global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Aliens are warming up this planet so it'll be a better environment for them to live in..

I think it's called teraforming.


Stephen Hawking himself has said that there is most likely a galactic civilization like you see in Star Wars or Star Trek.

The Drake Equations conservative estimate is that there are millions of intelligent civilizations in the Milky Way alone..

Are they causing global warming? Who knows what the real state of the world is. Obama has gone pretty grey and aged a lot in the past few years, that tells me things aren't so good.

Well just toss Robert A Heinlein. Speed and distance are relative terms and hydrogen pulse drives along with embryonic stasis would make the concept viable.

To be real it's the exact same argument creationist use. Where's the Alien.

The nearest possible lifeform outside of our own solar system is an exoplanet just 13 light years away. Probably doesn’t sound that far but it’s about 76 trillion miles, the distance it would take a space shuttle some 40,000 years to cover.

In order to travel the type of distances involved, an alien lifeform would need to be much more technologically advanced than we are. They would need to overcome the problem of time and space that exists between them and us, either by travelling at a phenomenal speed (which has all sorts of problems attached to it) or by travelling through time and/or space (both of which are permitted by the laws of physics).

The level of technological and scientific prowess required by the aliens would suggest that terraforming a planet would be child’s play to them, and they wouldn’t need to rely on us to do it for them.

The reason for global warming is very simple. Greenhouse gases have the capacity to retain and transmit thermal energy and we’re producing a thousand tonnes of these gases every second of every day. Today there are more of these gases in the atmosphere than at any time for many millions of years. In essence, we’ve added extra insulation around the Earth and consequently it’s warming up.

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I know quite a bit about worm-holes and dimensional portals, that’s what I had in mind when referencing “travelling through time and/or space (both of which are permitted by the laws of physics).”.

A wormhole (or similar) is a hypothesis, there’s no evidence (yet) that they could exist. The Schwarzschild hypothesis was the first theoretical solution but this would only have created a momentary and non-traversable wormhole. To create a traversable stable wormhole would require negative energy densities and there’s no solid evidence (yet) that these exists. The Casimir Force could provide the necessary evidence, this is something which is being considered and is favoured by such notable theoretical physicists as Prof Stephen Hawking.

There’s also a dimensional and relativity problem with jumping through spacetime and this is part of a casual theory I’ve been involved in developing for several years. It’s somewhat long-winded and involved but the upshot is that whilst it may be possible to travel through time and space, you wouldn’t actually know that you’d done it and as such, the universe could, in theory at least, get stuck in a ‘spacetime loop’ which would be undetectable.

It would seem that you just saw "Man of Steel" in the theatre and may be reacting to that here in a way you see as wry and humorous.

Just a guess.

Interesting how the film redefined the destruction of Krypton as a result of energy mining that rendered the planet unstable. I don't recall that from the comic books I read as a kid...but eventually I moved beyond comic books as a source of useful information. Perhaps you should consider adopting the same outlook with regards to movies based on comic books.

Teraforming. Changing a planet to make it more earth like.

Yeah, that makes sense.

OMG! That explains it!

I thought my TV remote had fallen down the back of the sofa but now I realise that the aliens are stealing them all in order to assemble a giant infrared light to heat the planet up.

I'll keep an eye out for the mini-saucers with remote-stealing tractor beams. And buy some fly swatters ...

I'm open to new ideas,but as far as the putative answerer above me,feel free to report him;Because I think he's a fed trying to squelch any talk of aliens..lol

Hey,dude,you can't see air,or gravity;So do you deny they exist?

(What a doof!)

There is no global warming, the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn cause the sun to wobble in predictable patterns that cause various periods of increasing and decreasing solar activity and hence, changes in global temperatures. The recent period of warmth ended and like clock work the Earth will cool for decades now and climate change will make this place much worse, but it will be natural. The AGW theory is a failure, the Earths climate is much more sensitive to solar activity than is understood. It would be naive and potentially Malice to believe that the Earth will not cool dramatically if sunspots vanish for decades. Fortunately the Aliens scan all of our brain waves and the only reason they do not wipe us all out is because they are aware of people like me, and see hope for this race.

You are correct I notice that a lot more of them are putting in requests for the winter fuel payment ,but don't worry once this government wake up to them they will be sent back from whence they came unless they can recite the national anthem backwards.

Thoughts? You're an idiot, Where are these putative fictional aliens? Sounds like you're just passing the buck to avoiding taking responsibility for yourself

Aliens are warming up this planet so it'll be a better environment for them to live in..

I think it's called teraforming.


That's Mexican Americans. And they do not pollute any more than anyone else.

That is a better explanation that any greenie can come up with. The trouble is you can't tax us regular citizens for aliens. So the greenies will never go along with that one.

Of course, they are mind-constructing you with holographic illusions, in order to torture you with evil carbon taxes, as you read this.
