> Why do china produce so much carbon dioxide?

Why do china produce so much carbon dioxide?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What are the three main reasons China produce so much carbon dioxide

1. Large population. It makes sense that the most populous nation emits the most CO2.

2. Large industry. China is the world's factory. Western nations exported their factories to China, with them, carbon emission.

3. Coal. China has most of the world's coal deposit and production. So most of its power plants are coal-based, which emits more carbon than gas or petroleum-based power plants that's more common in the rest of the world.

You should have asked:

Why does China produce so much carbon dioxide?

What are the three main reasons China produces so much carbon dioxide?

There are about a billion reasons the Chinese emit so much CO2.

1. Burn fossil fuels to produce electricity to run the country which has a high demand for electricity due to their huge industrial sector.

2. Huge population, over a billion people produce lots of carbon dioxide just by breathing

3. Increasing number of cars and other methods of transportation as the population becomes more wealthy.

Because they have a huge population, per person they produce much less CO2 than you do, or western countries, they are just trying to catch up.

They produce all our plastic crap.

We refuse to pay them enough to get decent equipment to reduce pollution.

There's over a billion people there.

Industrialisation, population, large coal reserves. If this is a homework question, I would give up on your education, because this is basic logic.

Because of more factories and industries, more number of vehicles, and more use of ac., refrigerators.

Because they used huge garbage

its because Chinese people have the same digestive system as cows and other bovine. this makes them very farty and easily fed on noodles and grass.

Do your own homework

What are the three main reasons China produce so much carbon dioxide

its all the farts emanating from a billion+ people

eating soy sauce and noodles and fried rice

all at once

It doesn't matter --- CO2 does not drive warming.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

just google it you lazy sod.