> If ur chiily outside the shower stall, why do feel warm after bath if stay bathroom?

If ur chiily outside the shower stall, why do feel warm after bath if stay bathroom?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Many factors involved here.

1. Perhaps you run the water hotter when in the shower than in the bath. Thus when you leave the shower stall it is perceived to be colder.

2. Perhaps you take very quick showers as opposed to longer baths. A longer bath in hot water versus a short shower in hot water would mean you core temperature would elevate more when you are in the bath. thus you would not "feel" as chilly for some time even if the bathroom were sub-freezing. i.e. getting out of an outdoor hot tub at a ski resort. Its not so bad even with sub-zero temps unless you stay outside and wet talking and such.

The rest of the factors are fine tuning the first two above.

Ventilation in the room. does the shower stall trap more of the heat and keep it out of the bathroom such that a bath would heat the space more?\

Relative temperatures of the water you use for a shower versus a bath.

How long you stay in the bath versus the shower

Do you periodically bring in more hot water to keep the bath warm if in for a while

etc etc etc

Because the bath water has realeased a lot of heat in to the bathroom plus when you get out of bath don't pull the plug till you put your bath robe on, and also the water from the shower drains away starlight away it's kind of like having the heat on but all the windows open at the same time when having a shower, the water in the bath stays in the bath and keeps giving heat . If you catch my draft I mean drift lol

I'm not quite sure what you're asking, but one of the reasons you feel cold after leaving a shower stall is because there is rapid evaporation from your skin when entering a lower humidity environment.

The bathroom air is saturated with warmer water vapor, so:

- the local air is warmer, and

- your skin cannot evaporate much more water into the air since it is already near saturation.