> How do you reduce a hurricane's intensity before landfall?

How do you reduce a hurricane's intensity before landfall?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

This highlights the difference between scientists and engineers. An engineer would say that you would have 78,000 broken wind turbines. I think the engineer is right.

Of course, I could make a computer model that would give you any answer you desire.

Wait wait wait.... A Stanford Professor said so. Clearly, I must beleive he is right, or I am a denier of science.


LOL, I would not call an academician working on theories, an engineer. And reading a paper that says it will work perfectly, does not make me a believer. Further, given how expensive off-shore windmills are, I think the idea of creating enough of them to test his little theory is laughable.

But you go on your little rant. It is quite entertaining to hear how you think windmills will stop hurricanes and not get demolished by them. Perhaps in the meantime, you can look up what happens to windmills during regular storms. GENIOUS!

This is why I love you warmers. You just fall for anything don't you??? Ahh, how cute. Maybe we give those windmills some spinach to eat, they will be strong like Popeye and tame them hurricanes. You think???


Yeahhhh. Not all warmers fall for every stupid study done. Good on ya, mate.

I don't understand why people are so dismissive of this idea. I don't quite understand how one manages to get the wind farm in the path of the hurricane, but I guess the idea is to put them offshore from populated areas.

I don't know what "basic physics" you want us to do Mike. I you're trying to directly compare the energy of the hurricane with the power generated by the turbines, I'm guessing it's a bit more complicated than that. If I compare the energy of my foot pushing on a brake pedal to the energy of my car at 70 mph, it might seem that my foot would have no effect on the speed of the car, but it does.

Unfortunately the wind turbines would disintegrate under the thrust of a hurricane. They are governed so they won't turn fast enough to fly apart from centrifugal force. Under those conditions they would probably collapse or be severely damaged by the force. Not to mention the are about 120 meters tall and the Hurricane is much much taller.

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Simple Logic, since Hurricanes travel between 10 and 35 miles an hour in one direction. Get about 4 Airboats or propellor type engines and anchor them on the beach about 100 feet apart. When the CAIN starts to come in start your engines and run them up to about 30 mph, when you see the CAIN turn and start to go by.. Turn off your engines, wait about 10 minutes, that turn all engines on at full power and aim them at the side of the CAIN and keeps them fully activated for about 30 minutes. Then shut them down and watch the Hurricane destroy itself. I'm The Major Disaster Solutionist American Master and this same Hurricane solution I'm giving you, I gave to Governor Christi in New Jersey in 2010 that destroyed Hurricane EARL. In the year 1999 and 2000 I offered this solution to President Clinton and all Governors from Texas to Connecutt and they had a good laugh. I even offered it to ex-pres. BUSH and he laughed too. Mike

I'm filing this article under "stupid studies" --- who in their right mind would propose something like this? This is about as smart as the people that suggested we coat the poles with black coal fly ash to stop 'global cooling' in the 1970's.

Raisin Caine is right, all you would accomplish is having 78,000 shreded wind turbines.


Mark Jacobson is getting a lot of press lately, I'm thinking he must be the new chosen golden boy of man-made Global Warming. Al Gore had better watch out for his job.


They have been able to weaken of strengthen hurricanes for decades. I spoke with a gentleman who was a high level Air Force intelligence agent and he told me that they fly into the storm and can spray a chemical powder which will change the storm. However they can't control it like they want(this was in the 60's) but he claimed that Hurricane Camille ended the operation because it ended up making it bigger when they were trying to make it smaller. This operation is technically classified but will be done being classified in 2017....so he was willing to talk about it with me. This was in 2008. I got a bunch of money from a winfall and I spent it on traveling the world and investigating the conspiracies I toot so much.....fun times fun times. I met him in Trinidad and Tobago, he lives there, very rich......in 2017 when it comes unclassified I will post the source. He also spoke with others who have written books about it. He will write about it and will be on the news in 2017 once his mission becomes unclassified. Our tax dollars paid him a fortune. Hurricane Camille was a man made storm....big disaster in science.



Upon first being classified as a tropical storm, Camille was located in an area favorable for further strengthening, although initially it slowly intensified. It was located within an area of very light wind shear and an overall warm environment. Additionally, the storm developed strong low-level inflow from the deep southern Caribbean, which continuously brought moisture into the storm.[5] Throughout its duration, it was a small tropical cyclone, although with a radius of gale force winds spreading 100 miles (160 km) to the north, the storm's thunderstorm area quickly spread over Cuba. As the storm approached the western coast of Cuba, it began rapid deepening, reaching hurricane status and less than 12 hours later attaining major hurricane status, or winds of 115 mph (185 km/h). Prior to landfall, its eye was tracked by radar from Havana; it is estimated the hurricane moved ashore between Cape San Antonio and Guane late on August 15 as a major hurricane. Camille was a small hurricane as it crossed western Cuba, and its winds decreased to 105 mph (170 km/h) before it emerged into the Gulf of Mexico.[6]

This New Orleans radar image of Hurricane Camille was taken less than 50 miles from its center on August 17, 1969 at 10 p.m. CSTInitially, Hurricane Camille was forecast to turn northeastward toward the Florida panhandle.--(here is where they tried to slow it with their test and it went wrong)-- Instead, it continued northwestward and rapidly intensified. Its eye contracted to a diameter of less than 8 miles (13 km), and strong rainbands developed around the entire hurricane. Due to the small eye, Hurricane Hunters at first had difficulties in obtaining the strength; however a flight late on August 16 recorded a very low pressure of 908 hectopascals (26.8 inHg), with winds estimated at 150 mph (240 km/h).[5] At the time, it was not expected to intensify further.[6] However, a subsequent Hurricane Hunters flight early on August 17 recorded a pressure of 905 hectopascals (26.7 inHg), at the time the lowest pressure recorded by reconnaissance aircraft. Additionally, the winds of the hurricane were estimated at 160 mph (260 km/h), making Camille the equivalent of a Category 5 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale, which had not been developed at the time.[5] That made Camille the most intense hurricane since the 1935 Labor Day Hurricane; currently it is tied for the seventh most intense Atlantic hurricane, as ranked by lowest pressure.[7]

The hurricane hunters and forecasters had a tough time with this one.....because the Air Force was messing with it by spraying it's chemicals. They wanted to create a weapon which can control weather, like typhoons and hurricanes.

Except the people that love wind turbines don't want to reduce hurricane intensity. They want more hurricanes to scare people into allowing them to dictate that they pay for more wind turbines.

It's obvious that neither you nor Raisin Caine bothered to look at this in more detail or even look at the video embedded in the Stanford article you link to let alone read the Nature published letter.

If you had you would have noticed that this Stanford Professor does specifically address the issue of damages to the turbines themselves and it could have saved Raisin Caine from making the claim that he thinks 'the engineer is right' had he known that this Stanford Professor is a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineer (aka, an engineer).

But hey, why bother with pesky details and actually trying to understand the articles we link to; let's just make fun of them while pretending we are wayyyyy smarter?

The Hurricane will blow them down and across the county .The Warmons are getting out of touch with reality .

Answer: Erect 78,000 wind turbines. http://news.stanford.edu/news/2014/february/hurricane-winds-turbine-022614.html

Okay, since I actually answered my own question, I need a new one. Here, let's look at the energy in a hurricane: http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/hrd/tcfaq/D7.html The kinetic energy of a hurricane of 90mph, 40 mile radius hurricane is "equivalent to about half the world-wide electrical generating capacity."

Using some basic physics, assess the probability of using wind turbines to save us from hurricanes.

I'm sure that if the greenies thought they could make a human sacrifice Rush Limbaugh and that would stop a hurricane, George Soros would be first in line with a knife.

It seems about as good an idea as lobbing hydrogen bombs at them. It seems like they might try to get those hurricanes before they formed but either way, it is a fools errand.

Don't think it is possible