> Greece climate change?

Greece climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What you and the rest of Greece have been experiencing lately is really nothing more than the weather, quite what role climate change has had is very difficult to say.

Climate change happens as the world warms up, this warming can be caused by natural variations but in the last 100 or so years it’s because humans have released a lot of excess gases such as carbon dioxide and methane.

These gases are known as greenhouse gases because they have the ability to trap heat on the atmosphere. Because there’s a lot more of them than there used to be Earth has warmed up.

Every type of weather is determined by the presence of heat energy or the absence of it. With more heat the weather becomes disrupted.

One of the consequences of global warming is that Greece will get drier. Of 36 meteorological stations with rainfall records, 33 of them are now drier than they were, 2 are wetter, 1 is unchanged.

What tends to happen is that the rainfall patterns become disrupted. Traditionally April always marked the end of the wet season, now it’s much less predictable.

Another consequence is that rainfall, when it does arrive, tends to be more intense and it can rain for longer. However, there are also longer dry periods between rainfall events.

Whilst the current weather can’t be blamed on global warming, it may have happened anyway, what we can say is that the likelihood of such events has increased.

More info about changes in Greek rainfall in this report:


Bazza, I’m in England and a few hours ago was up in t’north where about six days of rain fell in a few minutes, ee-bah-gum it were wild it were.

Here in the Northwestern part of America during Global Warming, it rained 9 months out of the year. Now that Global warming is over with 11/28/2012 confirmed. we're getting better weather, but it does get chilly alot. Everyone is just going to have to live with it until nature is able to return to its original normal seasons. Just remember Global warming lasted 34 years, so it may take a long time to restore all seasons back to normal on earth. Man Made Climate Change only brings death to ALL LIFE in and ON earth, so just go with the flow as far as weather conditions are concerned. Global Command.

Well lately I have noticed lots of comments about unusual weather, mainly being colder than average, maybe something is changing, who knows?

i think it the rise in the sea level


6.1 The Hydrosphere

Key Findings

There appears to be nothing unusual about the extremes of wetness and dryness experienced during

the twentieth century, or about recent changes in ocean circulation, sea level, or heat content, that

would require atmospheric carbon dioxide forcing to be invoked as a causative factor. Natural variability in

the frequency or intensity of precipitation extremes and sea-level change occurs largely on decadal and

multidecadal time scales, and this variability cannot be discounted as a major cause of recent changes

where they have occurred.


This is absolute proof of man made Global Warming.

I think we have borrowed your weather here in England. It's exceeding 30C here in places which is most unusual. We usually get a day of sun and six days of cloud and rain!

I live in greece and I have never seen such bad weather in my life during summer.

Its cloudy everyday and it rains very often and it is July!! CRAZY for Greece !!

What could have caused this?

Is it a chemical ?