> You have to be nasa climate scientist is im 15 will i live my life fully or will global warming kill me?

You have to be nasa climate scientist is im 15 will i live my life fully or will global warming kill me?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What are kids learning in school? Please live your life fully. Predictions of catastrophe are just attention getters for otherwise really-boring subjects, like the weather. It is a technique to sell junk. Global Warming is junk, so it uses the catastrophe-sell technique. Don't buy it.

If you live in a temperate industrialized nation, you are unlikely to see severe effects from AGW, unless you live in a low-lying coastal city (like New Orleans or New York). The worst effects of AGW will hit poorer tropical and subtropical countries, and very low-lying areas, not inland temperate areas. Most of the effects that you, personally are likely to actually see (if you are, as I suspect, a US or UK resident) will be more dramatic weather events (storms and the like), and higher prices for food and other goods.

NASA scientists are unlikely to be answering questions on Yahoo Answers.

If you want more information, try here:






http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;... (a while back, I asked people to post links to sources at various experience levels)

It will kill you..you have to understand that CO2 is a greenhouse gas and it is going to destroy the planet

Al Gore is a smart man and you listen to him especially when it comes to money..he made a lot of money by scaring people like you

Yes, with the temperatures rising about 0.1 C/ decade you are bound to die by the potential 1 C rise by the end of the century. I mean, just the other day where I live it was 8 degrees C and then the next day it was 9 degrees C and I almost died from the temperature increase. Luckily I had acclimatized myself the first day by wearing a sweater. Imagine if I hadn't worn a sweater the first day that it was 8 degrees and then it was 9 degrees the next day!!!???? I'm sure I'd be dead right now.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

You're gonna die. So YOLO, but do it well.

Seriously. There is NO BASIS IN FACT for the doom and gloom prophecies on global warming. enjoy your life. Plan for a bright and hopeful future.

probably not