> Will so-called "global warming" make up a large part of the democrats political platform?

Will so-called "global warming" make up a large part of the democrats political platform?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Will politics, not "science" be the largest push for the acceptance that so-called "global warming" is true?

Absolutely. Is there a bigger lie? They thrive on lies. ISIS is slaughtering people by the hundreds. Embassies are being taken over. People are starving while political fat cats dine of the best. US farmers are going bankrupt. Nothing said about that. But a conservative that throws a can in the wrong recycle bin, now that is BIG NEWS! Who would vote for such a low life?!

They have got a good thing going for them, why spoil it all by telling the truth?

Most rank and file Dems don't care about global warming. All they want is their monthly check. The smart dems will continue to use the tried and true strategy of promising to keep the gravy train flowing while demonizing their opponent.

Global warming? What's that? Just give me my check and my Obama phone.


Once again I ask people to clarify what you mean by creationist. If you mean that people believe in a god, then you are talking about 95% of the world. If you are talking about being religious, then it is of note that black and hispanics tend to be far more religious then white people.

So I am curious as to what you mean. Are you suggesting that the religious (thus blacks and hispanics) are more ignorant??? Seems like a rather racist thing to say, and I entirely disagree with your assessment.

Also, marrying the fact that blacks and hispanics tend to actually vote democrat, I am curious as to how you are able to link religiousity to solely conservatives???

OR is it more likely that you are spouting off some ignorant twattle you heard Bill Maher or some other liberal say???

As far as evolution, I agree with evolution myself. BUT, I have yet to use evolution is either my personal or professional life. Now you seem to think it is such an important thing to know, that one can make no claim to scientific knowledge without both knowing and believing evolution to be true.

THEREFORE, I would expect that you would be able to tell me the last time you had to reference the theory of evolution to be able to accomplish a task.

For example, I have had to use Boyle's law before. Without looking it up, do you know what Boyle's law is???

I hope that they do make it part of it.

Republicans tend to be anti-science.

read; The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science ― and Reality

Neil deGrasse Tyson: When the rich start losing money, they’ll take climate change seriously


AGW is very low on American people's list of problems but very high on big donators to the Democrats. It is a tough problem. You have to appease the wacko environmentalists who give big donations while not offending too many of the not so wacko leftists.

Science does not depend on politics. Never has, never will, never could. No matter how times you try to recycle such fossil fuel industry idiocy here.

The Nobel Prize committees are run out of Sweden and Norway. They are not beholden to the Democratic Party of the US, they are not controlled by Al Gore, they are not part of the intergalactic Reptilian conspiracy to take over the world using environmental legislation endorsed by "leftists" such as Richard Nixon, Margaret Thatcher and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Notwithstanding the fantasties of Michael Crichton.

U.S. National Academy of Sciences, 2010:


“Climate change is occurring, is caused largely by human activities, and poses significant risks for a broad range of human and natural systems.”


“Choices made now about carbon dioxide emissions reductions will affect climate change impacts experienced not just over the next few decades but also in coming centuries and millennia…Because CO2 in the atmosphere is long lived, it can effectively lock the Earth and future generations into a range of impacts, some of which could become very severe.”


“The Academy membership is composed of approximately 2,100 members and 380 foreign associates, of whom nearly 200 have won Nobel Prizes.

Members and foreign associates of the Academy are elected in recognition of their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research; election to the Academy is considered one of the highest honors that can be accorded a scientist or engineer.”

In the event to merely receive elected, We would claim they will definitely not fit local weather transform within the entry webpage in their plan.

If they want to get elected, I would say they should not put climate change on the front page of their campaign.

It already is , It involves raising taxes , thats all they care about . Thats their only policie

why do dems doubt that God promised noah that he would not flood the world again

Will politics, not "science" be the largest push for the acceptance that so-called "global warming" is true?

Global warming is real, please do not have children so your stupidity won't pass on to the next generation, thank you

conservatives turned it into a political issue

conservatives tend to be creationists who don't understand science