> Could so-called "global warming" lead to more riots like the ones occurring in St. Louis?

Could so-called "global warming" lead to more riots like the ones occurring in St. Louis?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Well, since the earth is not warming, the best answer is No,

That is purely stupid. By that logic, you would see more rioting in locations that are not nearly as far north as St. Louis.

Beyond that, St Louis was caused by stupidity. I do not understand the stupidity that thinks that rioting and destroying your own community shows anything but stupidity. Martin Luther King would be rolling in his grave.


I note their excessive use of the word MAY. I may grow to the size of 100 feet and start climbing the Empire State building whilst batting planes out of the sky. I don't think national security policy should be developed around that possibility.

Further, they can't even tell if the last 10,000 years were warming or cooling.

Their "study" findings are based upon using modeled paleoclimate data as reliable as not being able to tell if the past 10,000 years were warming or cooling to find the amount of feedback, which are used with models of recent data, to model future temperatures and then using models to determine the effect of those temperature model on the climate in specific locations. Models of models of models of models perhaps should not be the basis of trillion dollar policies.


I am skeptical about everything you have just claimed. Over the past 60 years there has been no increase in droughts, yet you claim it to be a certianty that droughts will increase. You tlak about not having enough resources, by which I assume you mean crop, when CO2 fertilization and increase farming in the northern location and higher altitudes would greatly outweigh any loss of farmland to the seas. And while we are talking about the seas, they are only rising 3 mm/year. You talk about a few countries that might have some trouble with this and may have to move??? How does this equate when compared with the millions dying every year in Africa due to lack of power as the World Bank does not give out loans for coal power plants due to warmers like yourself. And while you talk about extreme weather, I guess you fail to notice that the number of hurricanes have not risen.

The fact is that everything you have said is based upon guesses. More precisely, it is based upon the paleoclimate models which are used to find the feedbacks along with models of most recent temps to make models of future warming. Then those models of future warming are used to make models of the specific type of local climate change you are talking about.

So you wonder why I doubt models of models of models of models??? Gee, I wonder. And those paleoclimate models of the past used to guess the feedbacks... They are now questioning whether the last 10,000 year were warming or cooling.

You talk of certain disaster using ENTIRELY UNCERTAIN models and think others are odd for doubting you.

I think the St Louis thing was more a case of global stupidity combined with poor parenting and zero sense of community.


Maybe not exactly like the riot in st louis, but global warming will DEFINITELY cause more disputes, wars and riots over resources, land, money etc. That's logical. Less resources + more people (more scared people)=conflict.

Firstly, a rising sea level (also bringing more natural disasters like storms, typhoons, hurricanes etc) will displace millions of people, who will become climate refugees. They will have nowhere to go! So where will they go? maybe their governments will fight for more territory, maybe they will fight among themselves, maybe governments will wage wars about who will take all the refugees.

Then there's the lack of food and clean water due to droughts or natural disasters or just a change in climate, some crops will fail to grow, some plants will fail to produce, people won't get enough food, or have enough resources to grow the food. They will fight over that. When it becomes a matter of life and death, people will fight. Climate change is going to put stress on everything, and it already has!

The pacific Island of Kiribati, which will be completely inundated by rising sea levels (it is only 1m above sea level), have been forced to buy land in Fiji ( so that they have somewhere to go!! (http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2...

Basically, that article you posted says it all. and I'm utterly shocked that so many people on here are skeptical about climate change. There's a consensus around the world: people have finally acknowledged that it's happening and so many countries are taking initiative to reduce their emissions in order to soften the effects, but we need to work so much harder!!! Its ridiculous how people think they are smarter than the entire world full of scientists, who are experts in this. The basic mechanisms of climate change are really simple, but things get really complicated, and when people don't understand them, they take them out of context and confuse everybody. Just because there hasn't been a clear warming trend in the last 30 years does not mean that global warming has gone away (http://www.economist.com/news/science-an...

(also this is a great website to find answers to common myths about climate change, especially this one http://www.skepticalscience.com/global-w...

It's so arrogant to assume that people with no scientific knowledge can understand the intricacies of our earth's climate system. There are so many things to take into account, which our scientists have done, but so many people don't know about it, because it is too confusing for them to understand!!

I think People are denying climate change because if they accept it, that means they will have to do something about it and that is uncomfortable, because people don't want to change. People dont' want to change, so that their own CHILDREN can live in a safe world with a stable climate. That's the epitomy of selfishness.

God, sorry for the rant but please please think about this if you "don't believe in climate change" (*which is basically like saying "I don't believe in oxygen") and check out the websites I've referenced above, they're really interesting!! Basically, climate change 100% going to increase terrorism and conflicts due to lack of resources, government control and so many other things. which is why we desperately need to act on climate change to reduce the effects!!!

I love you, fellow human beings (which is why I'm spending my entire life fighting against climate change to save your children) I truly love you <3

To Raisin Cain:

If the climate models are so wrong, where are the "real ones"? Where's the proof? was it the fossil fuel companies who told you, because we all know they dont have an agenda.. If they are so "UNCERTAIN" then why is every country in the world taking climate change seriously? Why would decades of experienced climate scientists use wrong models? Do you think they WANT the earth to be heading for catastrophe? Sure, increased CO2 might increase yeilds in some northern parts. but f temperature exceeds a crop's optimal level or if sufficient water and nutrients are not available, yield increases may be reduced or reversed. Not only this, but what about the countries that are not at "high altitiudes?" DO you think we can just ship all the crops down to them? Not to countries in poverty or in conflict. Their crops will be threatened by climate change and they rely on them for survival. They can't just go into a supermarket to buy food imported from europe, like you could. (And this is where increased conflict comes in once again).

You're right, there has been no average global increase in drought in the last 60 years. Overall, a warmer world means a wetter world. However, some areas are at higher risk of drought due to climate change. Its not just droughts that will impact drops, its flooding too...

IN terms of what you said about millions in Africa not having electricity because of me, god do you really think that they're doing it for the climate? It would cost 34-45 billion to provide everyone with electricity. They're all about money: the richer getting richer. They are actually trying to get electricity to africa regardless of the environmental impact unfortunately (this article is interesting if you want to read about that http://www.upstreamjournal.org/2010/09/w...

But say if we do power the entire world with coal and destroy the entire climate system. There's no point having electricity if the land can't function and provide for us. You can't eat coal. You can't eat money. That's really what it comes down to and what you do about it is up to you.

Not in my lifetime. Nor in yours.

The DHS is preparing for massive riots like those we're experiencing in St. Louis because of the effects of so-called "global warming". Do you agree with the DHS that there are going to be more riots as the planet starts to bake, and should our government become more militarized to protect the public from the effects of so-called "global warming"?