> Why blame cows for climate change?

Why blame cows for climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Just shows, that the greenies will do anything or say anything to get our money and take away our liberties. Salon magazine published an article and blamed cheeseburgers, of all things. The problem is that there will be a percentage of nutsos that will believe that. People in power, like Bloomburg.

Cows are seen as a problem because we breed their populations to high, unnatural numbers, therefore a larger amount of methane is released from them than if their population size hadn't been tampered with by humans. Climate change and global warming have a plethora of causes. Human behavior (which is behind the number of cows) is the main problem.

Removing wetlands, marshes, and lakes would not be good for the environment because they exist here naturally and play an important role in their ecosystem even though they do emit methane.

And also agriculture - mass deforestation and loss of vegetation and valuable, endangered flora and fauna for beef farms and whatnot.

Yes, cows are related to a massive amount of global warming when you add the point above. But obviously, its not the cows who cut down the trees.

First all of the gas from all the animals on the planet isn't a drop in the bucket compared to humans sewage and food waste. It's the DA deniers that peddle that bullsh*t No one in their right mind and especially no one with any sciene savvy know it isn't the case

People are stupid and just don't want to admit that their greediness is causing problems

It's an inefficient food source for humans.

Speak english ******

the cows are responsible to pollution because their farts are carbon die oxide and athen

because you're an anti-human militant vegetarian.

okay so they produce some methane, but anaerobic decay of plant material causes so much more, why are the greenies not suggesting removing all wetlands and marshes and lakes, even hydro-electric dams produce a lot of methane.

or is it that they secretly want everyone to be vegetarian.