> CO2 emission breakdowns?

CO2 emission breakdowns?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Wikipedia has good information, based on the IPCC reports accepted by nearly every top scientist in the world for decades.






Who really cares? The earth's temperatures have gone down during the last decade.


All this while the CO2 level has risen. It is a non-issue.

Grifter: Catalytic converters are responsible for sulfur dioxide. It has been proven that there was acid rain when Christ walked the earth. Stop getting your science from Bill Nye, the science lie.

Power plants generating electricity, manufacturing plants, auto emissions (including train, semi, plane and ships), deforestation These are pretty much the order they would appear You can do web searches to come up with amounts or %

Trains and Ships are also responsible for much of the sulfur dioxide which is in turn responsible for acid rain

Simple logic =all non solids that rise into the atmosphere separate into nothingness. simple logic/ A safe environment. Mike

Dont forget cement manufacturing, doesn't make much difference CO2 has a limited effect on temperatures, its effect diminishes as it's concentration rises

What are the major components that mostly contribute to CO2 emissions? How to things like traffic, factories, planes, and electrical/battery manufacturing compare to each other? Thanks.