> List the four main greenhouse gases in our atmosphere in order from lest to most abundant.?

List the four main greenhouse gases in our atmosphere in order from lest to most abundant.?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
gas are my profile pic.

Nitrous oxide


Carbon dioxide

Water vapor

The global warming potential of the above gases is in the opposite order, partly because the effect of greenhouse gases on temperature is logarithmic. It take a very small amount of a trace gas to have significant effect and a large amount of an abundant gas.

least to most abundant would be reverse order of what Omar listed. And not that I know any better, but wikipedia lists the following from most abundant to most least. Reverse the list to get what you want. Ozone would not figure in the list if you are looking for just 4.

water vapour (H2O)

carbon dioxide (CO2)

methane (CH4)

nitrous oxide (N2O)

ozone (O3)


Climate Realist above has given you the correct answer. They are the 4 major gases, and listed 'least abundant' first.

1-Water vapor

2-carbon dioxide



1. Water

2. Gas out of the mouth of Phil Jones.

3. Gas out of the mouth of Maurice Strong.

4. Gas out of the mouth of Al Gore.

gas are my profile pic.