> Is this cold weather some effect of global warming?

Is this cold weather some effect of global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

No. It would be even colder in the UK if not for global warming. Global warming has resulted in more hot weather but has only resulted in a very small, almost imperceptible decrease in cold weather.


Is warm weather some effect of global cooling?

The whole planet is connected. Just like all your body parts. When something goes wrong in one area it effects the whole system. The more that goes wrong the greater the effects.

So yes! This cold weather pattern is just a part of Global warming.

According to "Inconvenience Truth" the world only had until 2008 to stop global warming. Now it is TOO LATE.

90% of humanity will die HORRIBLE deaths from floods, hurricanes, droughts, blizzards, asteroids, tsunamis and earthquakes.

Only the Lear jet people like Michael Moore and Al Gore will survive the coming climate APOCALYPSE in their underground mansions.

maybe, but the weather is different every year, it went years were it hardly snowed, then we get snow like it did in the 80's and everybody cries saying its global warming. countries like ours are more responsible, but think think what the emissions india and china are doing are doing to the global climate!

EVERTHING is an effect of global warming. Warmer temps, colder temps, more rain, less rain, more snow, less snow... everthing. If we go into the next Ice Age global warming is to blame.

Alarmists: "Everything proves our theory was right!"

Lol. If it's cold, GLOBAL WARMING. If it's hot, GLOBAL WARMING. What's normal? Lmao

No, it is down to Geoengineering/weather modification and HAARP.

Warmists believe that EVERYTHING proves their 'theory' right.

But of course if EVERYTHING proves their theory right, then NOTHING does.

A theory that cannot be falsified is not a valid theory.


there maybe a connection with the way the arctic climate has changed