> Is global warming boring?

Is global warming boring?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

It certainly has been an inconvenient year for alarmists but I notice that doesn't seem to slow them down too much.


Yet there is that consensus that we keep hearing about. The IPCC wouldn't lie would they? The government wouldn't lie would they? Politicians never lie. I don't know if I get more annoyed at the liars or those who seem to want to be lied to.

A skeptic would google for "global warming" in news for the last 24 hours and and note that there are about 7000 results to read up on. One of them a "good news" story... [1]

A skeptic would check the claim in the blog of "lowest number of Atlantic hurricanes in the last 56 years" and find that the statement is not only false, it is a case of cherry picking. [2]

Then again if you only focus on weather events that cause havoc in the U.S. then yes (thankfully) it is relatively boring...

selective memory,

Fires in Tasmania - January 2013

Australia's (hottest) Angry Summer

Oklahoma EF5 tornado May 2013

Alberta flood (June 2013)

Catastrophic fire in Arizona July 2013

Record heat waves in China July August 2013

Extreme longest drought in Colorado August 2013

Colorado flood September 2013

Yosemite fire August 2013

Australia's hottest 12 consecutive months (again) September 2013

Drought in USA

NSW unseasonal devastating spring bushfires September and October 2013

Super cyclone Phailin hits India October 2013

Don' see where this has anything to do with GW What I do find boring is repeated questions by your ilk that are repetitive, lame and lacking in substance over and over, like this question for example
