> If Holocensor deniers invest millions in fake history, are historians obliged to "debate them" as climate scie

If Holocensor deniers invest millions in fake history, are historians obliged to "debate them" as climate scie

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
...scientists must waste time debating anti-science con artists.

Nope. Scientists only need to discuss evidence.

Jello –

>> Supporters of the geocentric universe did a good job of shutting down the debate. After all, the geocentric universe was supported by the consensus of scientists, so it must have been true.<<

Jello - please, for the love of God, give the stupid lies a rest and give us something half-way entertaining.

It was Galileo’s support of the Copernican model that made the Catholic Church so mad that it did not “forgive” him (without admitting they were wrong and he was right) until the 1990s.

Science is debated constantly in the science journals. They publish not only peer-reviewed research, but letters and response to that research. That is the appropriate place.

Supporters of the geocentric universe did a good job of shutting down the debate. After all, the geocentric universe was supported by the consensus of scientists, so it must have been true.

They're retarded.

...scientists must waste time debating anti-science con artists.