> Don't you wish the temperatures were hotter?

Don't you wish the temperatures were hotter?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I have been waiting winters with my Mai Tai's. I want to go to the local park where palm trees now grow and enjoy the winter and all we get is snow. I'm told that before global warming it never snowed and this is only due to global warming but I remember playing in the snow 50 years ago. I guess I'm having false memories or something.

Where do you get your science news, Faux News? The snow is not increasing, so far as I know. The ice at the poles is DEcreasing in volume. Two independent studies confirmed that the Antarctic ice shelf is melting from below. And, as far as I have noticed, the record highs far outnumber the record lows. Of course, I have not run an exhaustive survey of the matter. Have you?

If you don't like snow, move to Florida.

And if it were hotter, moving to Florida would not be an option, because Florida would be under water.

Warmers do, they hate it when the real world trashes their religious beliefs.

Just where do you get your data and logic?

'our cause' ? Whose side ?

Why do you persist in telling untruths?


Face it, it's real hard trying to win people over to believe in global warming when we're getting more snow, the ice at the poles in increasing, and it seems like every day we're setting a greater number of record lows in the country. Wouldn't is be better for our cause if the temps were 10 degrees hotter at this time?