> Do the people who frequently deny global warming lack knowledge?

Do the people who frequently deny global warming lack knowledge?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Knowledge doesn't matter because most educated people are leftwing Greenies, and scientific knowledge is a fake anyway, because .02% of scientists say it is. After all, why trust hundreds of Nobel prize winners in chemistry and physics when they are all Marxists, when it is so obvious that the negative consequences of the politicized science are the reason why Galileo exposed the government scientists running the Vatican Conspiracy of the Rothofeller Elders who plotted the Mason Atheist takeover predicted by Nostradamus, and using jackbooted cap and trade communist expropriation. How could the earth go around the sun if the earth is flat, and God made it 5000 years ago, which is too long ago for Al Gore's time machine to reach?

there is a strong influence from media, combined with a general lack of science education. It's not just climate, most newspapers have a Horoscope/astrology section- very few have any science. On TV, sports, reality and game shows occupy the minds. The result is that over 40% of American still believe the universe was created about 6000 years ago, regardless of evidence.

The sad part is that the US has some of the best scientists, universities and research in the world. So much for trickle down knowledge.

Actually the Global Warming deniers are those very typical delusional guys - conspiracy theorists - who make up Big Fake reasons for stuff - like 9/11. In this case the BIG corporations who want to keep polluting have bought a few fake scientists to feed some fake "facts" into the tiny heads of the right wing.

What the right wing only needs to do is make it LOOK LIKE there's a big controversy.... but there's not much controversy - Global Warming is a fact - and it's coming this way fast.

And no - people don't just have different thoughts about it.

They probably do, however they also live on secure land and have no idea what is happening in the Pacific region. Or maybe they just don't care.

Just go to the islands of Tonga, Kiribati and so many more and see the loss of land. In fact some of the islands no longer have inhabitants!!!!

America won't do anything about global warning until they see part of Florida getting inundated by the sea.

No, some people just have different thoughts about it. The temperature has always been going up and down. It's currently in a warming period after the last ice age. Although I do believe that global warming is a huge problem, some people just have different theories about it.

You want me to believe a theory that has only made 3 accurate predictions out of 117 predictions?

If it's fact why can't there be consistent accurate predictions?

global warming stopped 17 years ago try to be current


One of the main culprits is The Conservative Movement and their war on science.

They are the same crowd who thinks evolution is a lie.


big corporations fund science denial

My experience is the opposite, people who discuss the scientific aspects of climate change are usually skeptics, the warmers stick to consensus, media articles and ad hoc arguments, one poster here is always on about anti science deniers, but I have never seen him discuss anything in the slightest scientific.

Or do they just not like the consequences of acting on global warming?

Countries all around the world say that global warming is a problem.

Why do so many in the US think that it is not?