> Do you believe that global warming exists? why or why not?

Do you believe that global warming exists? why or why not?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
please explain your answers properly..i will give five stars to the person who explains it well

You mean I think, man made warming and no I don't believe in this theory because it is backed by zero evidence, There is no real world evidence to link mans activity to climate change and no one on this site will give you any. Bear in mind that things like some ice melting somewhere is not proof that man or carbon did it and some well paid professor somewhere being sure is also not evidence. That is not the way science is supposed to work.

Yes global warming exists in today's environment. It is because nowadays most of the nations are moving towards the rapid economic development. As a result of this random industrialization has resulted in our planet which is more than the earth can balanced. It is being a continuous process, developed country which has already experienced this fact now is awaking other nations which is not so effective. So I believe that global warming exists.

Yes, I do believe that global warming does in fact exist. Various surveys and experiments continue to prove it right again and again. We are currently going through a global warming phase right now but who knows, it might change again in the future.

No. because Global warming/Climate change is a hypothetical theory, and hypothesis is only valid if backed up by results (google scientific method Galileo) and the results now prove the theory wrong,

Even the AGW scientists now are talking about the warming hiatus, and trying to find reasons to not throw out the hypothesis altogether, but sooner or later if the current earths temperatures do not change and follow the Co2 trend, they are going to have to abandon it.

We are already 16 years from having any reasonable results how long will they wait?

With 97% of climatologist claiming that the evidence to support global warming is overwhelming. I wouldn't see any reason in not believing them especially since you can recognize the earth is becoming warmer by using your eyes as 2012 was hottest year on record.

I do believe that global warming does in fact exist. Various surveys and experiments continue to prove it right again and again.

yes global warming exits.beacause deforestation,over populatiton,increase in pollution,and other human factor.

please explain your answers properly..i will give five stars to the person who explains it well