> Can Canada experience a food shortage?

Can Canada experience a food shortage?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
because of global warming, diseases and increase in food commodities, a potential food shortage can occur in canada?

i need examples plz

No it's the opposite for Canada, a longer growing season more food, less need for heating, less costs.

The cold spring this year will probably do a lot of harm to Canada's crops.

Canada is one of the countries where global warming (if it happens and it doesn't look likely now) would have a net benefit.


1 CO2 is a plant fertilizer.

2 CO2 helps plants resist water shortages and require less irrigation.

3 CO2 helps plants resist disease.

Any area can experience food shortages for a number or reasons, but it's pretty unlikely. If you are worried about it start filling bins with canned goods and bottled water and don't forget your pet food if you have pets. Every so often rotate the cans and use them while adding newer cans to the bin. Reading up on being self sufficient might also give you some good tips.

Possible, but highly unlikely. Canada's pretty well situated as far as global warming goes, and in general as far as avoiding famine goes.

Canada has a lot of arable land, and not many people. It is currently (afaik) a net exporter of grain to a significant degree, so in the event of a shortage it could feed its own people simply by exporting less.

Canada is not especially arid, or especially wet, and (afaik) it is primarily very wet and very dry areas that are expected to have serious problems from global warming-related changes in rainfall patterns (droughts in arid areas, floods in wet ones)

And, Canada is one of the areas that is more cold-limited than heat-limited in terms of agriculture. It rarely gets too hot for plants to grow well, but is often too cold. So a warmer world is likely to lead to more crop growth, as long as changes in evaporation and rainfall don't lead to droughts.

If ever there were a food shortage in Canada, it would be because of government actions rather than the atmosphere.

"Can Canada experience a food shortage?"

You have enough walrus blubber to last you through hundreds of hockey seasons.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

No, think of all those dead polar bears just there for eating.

because of global warming, diseases and increase in food commodities, a potential food shortage can occur in canada?

i need examples plz