> Advantages and dis advanages of climate change?

Advantages and dis advanages of climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
well you have summer , nice and hot ,swimming , using the out doors , then the climate changes to winter ,cold snow , not as much out door things to do . and to think no water , not even on the side of the road side ,should have had a job and put gas in your car,not taking other hard working peoples money . the seas will dry up. wtf

The advantages and the disadvantages of the climate change is related with agriculture. Some crops has benefits on the climate change and some crops can't get the correct temperature and the water necessary for its growth. The disadvantages of the climate change is in the all areas , in industry, in the growth of the plants, etc.

are there advantages?

try to remember those advantages when you're dying of thirst along some road as people are escaping from rising sea levels.
