> Are temperatures above or below modeled projections?

Are temperatures above or below modeled projections?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Very much below. Far lower than the lowest possible bounds for a large number of the models. Why? Well, either nature is wrong and the temps should be much higher, or the models are wrong and do not yet understand nature. Which do you think it is?

Temperatures are well below projections. The models all predicted the steep rise between 1980-2000 would continue. This has been documented in many places. All it takes is overlaying a graph of projected temperatures from about 2000 with a graph of actual temperatures.

Folks, this is not complicated, just an overlay of actual vs. predicted. Unfortunately, liberals have short memories.

The average of climate modes predict global average temperature should be nearly 1°C above normal at this point. ACTUAL temperature is less than half of that with a declining trend for about the last 12 years.

HadCRUT versions 3 and 4 Global Temperature since 2001


Climate Model Predictions:


Furthermore, all climate models predict temperature increasing while in fact it is decreasing.


Depends on which models.
