> Where can you find out the pro's and con's of climate change?

Where can you find out the pro's and con's of climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The left used to pretend to be for free speech but the speech they jumped to protect was largely profane or anti-American which I do also support but it really demonstrates who they are when they try to control speech, try to squelch any opposing views, and try to demonize anything that doesn't fall in line with their agenda. That is what political correctness is all about and even most leftists don't like others trying to control them. It is why those who don't agree are called racists, anti-women, anti-environment, and deniers. Fortunately we have the internet now and other ways to get information out but you really have to watch these people. They will, if they are allowed to, control that as well.

This could be a revelation to you, but you could try reading the research papers.

Yes, they can be quite technical and difficult to read and interpret correctly, but think of it as practice or training your brain.

Blogs are easier to read, and usually purport to present the evidence, but unless they actually give sources--there's no way of verifying them. There's the added issue that blogs are a convenient go-to source for confirmation bias, and reading the sort of information you'd _like_ to hear, rather than what is accurate.

And even when bloggers do list sources--how often does anyone follow them to check if they've been interpreted or presented accurately? Do you? It's meaningless if they just link to other blogs, or opinion pieces from non-scientific articles--which I've seen them do rather often.

Kano, you are looking for love in all the wrong places. Should you desire knowledge on the subject you can try looking here - http://scholar.google.com/

If all you are looking for are the opinions of others that share your own opinions then the blogs will work fine for that purpose.

Well climate change is euphemism for global warming but a few cons are very wild weather patterns, more hurricanes, agricultural instabilities, mass extinctions,. The only pro is more CO2 for our lovely plants and trees even if we are cutting them down awfully quick.

You mean the blogs that deny climate change is even happening?

If you don't read blogs, from our politicians, our biased media, ( I don't think so) some media even block comments, without blogs we would be basically left in the dark, which is what most alarmists want.