> What 2 ways you can reduce your contribution to global warming?

What 2 ways you can reduce your contribution to global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Drive less

Use less electricity


Don't waste food

It would be good to use less resources in nonproductive ways.

Recycling politicians as janitors might be a good first step.

Neither of these things is likely to contribute to the global average climate halting its even present change (both warming and cooling, currently cooling), but I think most of us can agree these are both good things.

Nearly all scientist now agree that global warming is a serious problem, so please my friend don't listen to these crazies!

Drive less or carpool and walk/bike more

Produce less trash

Less electricity

Be more resourceful

Plant trees or really any plant

Grow your own food or eat locally

If you have money get solar panels

Save water

Recycle, try to avoid using extra electricity, and water, along with fossil fuels

Beware of people that propagandize to you. They pretend to be for your interests but in fact are simply using you. The fascists of the 1930s concentrated their propaganda toward the youth and history has a way of repeating particularly when it isn't learned.

Car pool recycle don't wast energy plant plants do not wast water

1 there is no warming, it is getting cooler

2 a little warming would be good, life thrives with warmth

3 there are so many problems we have in this world to be worked on, poverty, health, education, polluted waters, overfishing, deforestation, CO2 is not a problem

be more efficient in electricity usage, for example, don't keep lights turned on unless it's needed.

drive less, for example, use public transport when possible

The planet is cooler than when you were born, Alissa.

What makes you think there is any global warming at all?

None. I wouldn't want to. AGW is a fraud so why would I want to attempt to do something to prevent a natural event from occurring even if it was possible to do?

I try my best to increase mine.

Kill you self, and nothing