> Climate change Earths energy balance?

Climate change Earths energy balance?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
When I first came on this site I checked out all of Jeff M's 'theories' because, in my being open minded I was willing to look at everything. I was led down the road to dead ends just too many times. I gave up and I will never take any of Jeff M's theories seriously. They are a waste of time. I have better things to do with my life than to consider the ramblings of a seriously insane mind.

It's not a pity that we can't, it's a pity that they fill in the blanks to ensure the results match their conclusion.

I put 10 apples on the table and came back an hour later and there were only 9. In the real world we would find out who took the apple, in liberalville we would claim, I only thought there were 10 because I didn't get them from a reputable source, evil corporations never gave me the apple they actually kept the apple for themselves because they want people to starve and die, while simultaneously trying to prove the apple still exist but is hidden from those of us that deny reality.

It is a shame that your knowledge of science is based on the uneducated ramblings of a numb-skull with a B.A. in Psychology and a certificate in massage – and it is pathetic that you think you know more than people with real scientific knowledge.

Every set of measurements need too be calibrated. One also wonders why you keep linking to blogs.

Sagebush: How is that evolution thing working out for you? The insane mind here is you. You and Billy having many convos regarding beliefs lately?

Gee here's more:





As you can see science advances. Not one of them had Hansen as an author.

Note: Even the denial site popular technology has thrown the author under he bus http://www.populartechnology.net/2013/10...


You continue to advertise your lack of knowledge of AGW each time you link to WUWT and Roy spencer

Jeff M. says we can accurately measure incoming and out going radiation and show how the Earth is warming, It's a pity we cant and that the satellite measurements have to be calibrated using Levitus ocean calculations
