> The British Scientist Findings .?

The British Scientist Findings .?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Not sure what gives you the idea that scientists would not expect to find no life at the bottom of the ocean near Antarctica, as it has been found there before going back years.


or further back in 2007


Cold oceans have the highest levels of nutrients of any oceans on the planet, it's why in Summer there is an explosion of sea life at the surface in phytoplankton and krill who feed on them, this attracts life from around the planet, seals, penguins, whales and sea birds and of course predators who feed on them.

The British also did a voyage back in 2010 which found life at depth, so this is not recent or unexpected.


At these depths the ocean is always cold no matter where you are on Earth and life can be found if you look, it's just very hard to look and we know very little about life at these depths any voyage of this type is likely to find new and unknown creatures for this very reason.

At shallower depths fish and other creatures have adaptions for Antarctica's cold water like a natural anti-freeze in their blood but at depths of 1000m and lower it is always 4c or colder.


All the surface activity brings a constant rain of material to the sea floor which any number of creatures can feed on and there are even predators like crabs and sea spiders


This one is 30cm long

I knew it Thousands of strange creatures found deep in ocean

By CAIN BURDEAU, Associated Press Writer – Sun Nov 22, 3:51 pm ET

NEW ORLEANS – The creatures living in the depths of the ocean are as weird and outlandish as the creations in a Dr. Seuss book: tentacled transparent sea cucumbers, primitive "dumbos" that flap ear-like fins, and tubeworms that feed on oil deposits. A report released Sunday recorded 17,650 species living below 656 feet, the point where sunlight ceases. The findings were the latest update on a 10-year census of marine life. "Parts of the deep sea that we assumed were homogenous are actually quite complex," said Robert S. Carney, an oceanographer at Louisiana State University and a lead researcher on the deep seas.

Thousands of marine species eke out an existence in the ocean's pitch-black depths by feeding on the snowlike decaying matter that cascades down — even sunken whale bones. Oil and methane also are an energy source for the bottom-dwellers, the report said. The researchers have found about 5,600 new species on top of the 230,000 known. They hope to add several thousand more by October 2010, when the census will be done.

The scientists say they could announce that a million or more species remain unknown. On land, biologists have catalogued about 1.5 million plants and animals.

They say they've found 5,722 species living in the extreme ocean depths, waters deeper than 3,280 feet. "The deep sea was considered a desert until not so long ago; it's quite amazing to have documented close to 20,000 forms of life in a zone that was thought to be barren,

Why do some creatures survive strictly under water and others survive only out of the water. creatures are adapted to the surroundings just as we are. Now that we know they are there we just have something else to worry about. I think we have to much to worry about now. Just something to waste more money we don't have trying to find out.

Just goes to show, man does not know everything.

Those depths are said to not support 'life as we know it'. Well that proves that we don't know all there is about life.

I believe you are talking about this:




Recently a team of British scientists explored the bottom of the ocean near Antarctica. They found new species of sea animals living at depths where scientists had previously assumed life could not survive.

What are some findings of this experiment?

What are reasons why these new species could survive at the depths explored.