> Are deniers too hopelessly dense to understand multiple stage causality?

Are deniers too hopelessly dense to understand multiple stage causality?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Some, at least those who are not lying through the teeth, are too hopelessly dense to understand multiple stage causality.

Hah? Of course spending is a major cause of taxation, maybe a little return on value there, depending on what the spending is done on. You know, valid research on something that might benefit some people, or roads, as opposed to dumping atomic bombs on the moon or gassing the wild yak population of upper Slobovia. Once the fossil fuel is depleted, were all going to fall into the freaking sinkholes anyway, so there's no point in worrying about a breathable atmosphere anyhow.

There was a study published recently that demonstrated that you can't fix stupid. When a person firmly believes a falsehood, giving them the actual facts will only reinforce their beliefs. So deniers will never accept global warming, conservatives will never accept the the government IS the heart of the economy, Abrams fans will never accept that the most recent Star Trek movies were sinfully terrible.

When you tell them that they need to stop burning gasoline, and heating their house, they stick their fingers in their ears. They're just not interested in anything else you have to say. If it disrupts their daily existence, they don't want to know.

There's also the "I'm taxed to much already" and I don't care who starves or gets hurt otherwise. My greed is all that counts.

I could go on, but that's really the jist of it.

Hey Dook, you're letting them win by being upset. Frankly, being blocked by MAXXX and others is a relief from their predictable stupidity.

They are thick as a brick

If increased government spending more often than not leads eventually to increased taxes, do deniers waste their lives idiotically asking ad nauseum for "empirical" proof that spending IS a tax?

Or as a recent wet-behind-the-ears high school dropout level intelligence denier dupe here puts it, in his roughly 66th lame anti-science bogus question, that CO2 "causes" droughts?

What would happen if 10,000 people, or what the heck 30,000 Oregonian people, fictitious clowns, dead dogs, etc. petitioned Melissa Meyer: we are tired of the cesspool of stupid anti-science lies on your misnamed answers website, please make a knowledge of 8th grade logic a prerequistie for blatant copy-pasted fossil fuel industry anti-science lies beyond the 100th per poster/illega alias/troll/sock puppet.