> Snow in Las Vegas! what happened to global warming?

Snow in Las Vegas! what happened to global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Snow in Las Vegas is not unusual. I remember being there about 20 years ago and saw a kid walk across a frozen water hazard on a golf course to retrieve his ball. It was about 19 degrees when we got there.

The snow in Riverside County of Southern California was much more unusual, though. It was fairly localized, and was caused by a cold storm with a dry wind at the low levels. When snow is falling in dry air (wet bulb temperature below freezing) it can reach the ground despite above freezing temperatures.

I guess the fact that there has been a massive drought there for many years is cast aside due to a single snowfall. Then again we can stop looking at weather when discussing climate.

no. check alaska

Alaskan Fourth Graders Bemoan a Warm, Snowless December on YouTube


It pushed the jetstream around a lot.
