> Should Yahoo Answers change the category "Global Warming" to "Climate Change"?

Should Yahoo Answers change the category "Global Warming" to "Climate Change"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I am under the impression that "Global Warming" is a hard-sell so the media has changed it to climate change.

Gilbert Plass used "Climate Change" in his paper "The Carbon Dioxide Theory of Climatic Change" in 1955.


The United Nations created an international group to access the the research and named it the International Planel on Climate Change in 1988.

When and how exactly do you believe the "media" "changed" the terminology?

There was a famous memo from the GW Bush administration's communication guru, Frank Luntz, that instructed Republican politicians to use the term "Climate Change" because "Global Warming was too scary and too easy of a sale.

"Climate change" is less frightening than "global warming". As one focus group participant noted, climate change 'sounds like you're going from Pittsburgh to Fort Lauderdale". While global warming has catastrophic connotations attached to it, climate change suggests a more controllable and less emotional challenge."

-- Frank Luntz, recommendations to the GW Bush administration

Use whichever term you prefer. Just understand that "climate change" is the term that has always been used by scientists and that the move away from popular usage of "global warming" was at least in part due to political intent by the last Republican presidency.

I tend to agree with linlyons. Changing the name won't affect anything. If you are a left wing wacko (i.e. anyone who demonizes anyone who believes in free markets as "financially greedy") then you are gullible enough to fall for the ignorant garbage spewed by alarmists. Of course global warming is hard to sell. It just hasn't warmed that much in a generation. If you need to promote your leftist political agenda, you really need something besides your actual political agenda which is not very compelling.

Deniers raise the "name change" point about once every couple of weeks, sadly the pretty simple answer is the IPCC has had it's name since it started in the late 1980's (guess what the CC stands for)

I'm not really sure why denier keep making fools of themselves by continuing to raise this rather absurd point, but then who can really fathom the working of the denier mind and all those 170+ theories they have created over the years to try and explain climate change away.

In scientific literature it has always been climate change the media have used both names over the same period, the ploy of claiming a name change is yet another rather shallow denier claim that has no real basis in reality, as is pretty easy to see from answers like our pretend geologist, who once again feels the need to prove he has no real grasp of science.

As deniers can't really put forward any science to counter climate change they try this sort of childish stunt instead.

No, I would vote for completely closing this category all together. Here are the reasons.

1. YA is not scientific organization of any kind, and majority of people posting here don't have any relation to any science.

2. Category that has less than 10 question for more than 24 hours can be count as dead category. Doesn't look like anyone really cares.

3. Most people in this particular category stick to their own idea and totally close minded to ideas of others. What is the point of this discussions, questions and answers then? It seems more like screaming board, where people just shouting out their opponents and calling them names. Looks kind of dumb... =D

The name is Climate Change on some versions of Yahoo Answers, perhaps for people in other countries.

the media didn't change sh*t Global warming has predicted a variety of weather events, including severe cold and snow, so science in an effort to deal with confusion about GW has been using climate change with GW being part of it Climate change has been discussed since the 1950s

"global warming" is only a hard sell to the scientifically illiterate, the financially greedy, and the politically weak minded. Changing the name won't affect any of them.

The theory concerns warming so lets leave as that, climate change just gives these wackos an excuse for every type of weather that occurs .


complex task. do a search with search engines like google. that could actually help!

I am under the impression that "Global Warming" is a hard-sell so the media has changed it to climate change.