> Is the global climate change man-made?

Is the global climate change man-made?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It's cylcical and research has confirmed this. Detailed analysis of ice core samples and other geological records such as fossils, sandstone formations, and surface erosion have allowed us to create a detailed record of climate spanning 100s of millions of years. Scientists are currently uncovering fossils of turtles and palm trees on antarctica with reveal the continent was once a lush densely populated rain forest in the polar region during the Eocene era 35 to 55 million years ago. Climate patterns plotted on graphs show an oscillation between glacial and interglacial periods. A detailed analysis of preserved trees over 2000 years old provide the highest resolution of climate data for the past 2000 years which revealed that earch was much warmer 2000 years ago than now. We have been on a steady cooling trend. This detailed graph not only shows we are cooling but bumps in global warming are very common as well as global cooling. What we are experiencing is average climate on a trend downwards over te last 2000 years.

Here is an article for the tree ring which shows the detailed climate graph for the past 2000 years:


The environment is supposed to be lived like we should ant not pollute it, cut down trees etc. We are social animals and should not do more harm than required. Like having 6-8 pairs of shoes, changing your shirts every 6 months just because it's old fashioned, or cutting forests for making space for homes. All this is against the environment and leads to global warming.

to some degree yes, as all animals and plant life are involved

Climates changed before man was on the earth. So, NO!

Climate change is mainly solar, and man has little effect.

But and Big But, we are ruining this world, litter, deforestation, pollution, from 7 billion people is making this a not nice place to live.

Mars is experiencing the same weather patterns (climate change) that we are. Last time I checked there aren't any SUV's tooling around on Mars.

Also, cows produce more greenhouse gasses than people do (even with our cars...etc).

*EDIT* Here is an interesting link to a paper if you want to read about some climate history: http://www.geocraft.com/WVFossils/Carbon...

Yes global warming is man made the sun has nothing to do with it.

The facts are that CO2 is a greenhouse gas, that without greenhouse gases the earth average temperature would be 33C colder (a giant snowball) and that we have added 40% more CO2 to the atmosphere. There is not one scientist who denies these facts.

The claim "It's a natural cycle" is denier myth number 59 on Skepticalscience dot com a useful site that keeps a list of the more common denier claims and debunks each and every one of them.

Yahoo Answers is not a great place for research. There are no qualifications to answer here, and many posters are just science-hating whack jobs.

You can get the scoop from real scientists. The National Academy of Science is the association of America's greatest scientists. There is no more credible organization in the world. They have available both a pamphlet and a series of videos. You can access either here.


There is no doubt among climate researchers that human activity is causing the temperature of the lower atmosphere and oceans to warm. That has long been beyond dispute.

We're still coming out of an ice-age so the world would still be warming up even if we we're around. But we might be making it warmer sooner then normal.

I think we're affecting the world but even if we affect it so much that we all die off, the world will rebound.

Did human actions (littering, deforestation, pollution) cause or speed up the process of global warming?

Just researching. Facts? Opinions?

Is the world too big for us humans to even significantly affect?

Will recycling even help?