> If you can change one event in your lifetime, what would it be?

If you can change one event in your lifetime, what would it be?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The Tsunami that killed a lot of people

32 years ago in 3rd grade I went sledding on a hill at the local golf course and met someone who became my friend. Most everything in my life I can trace back to that event- the jobs I've had, the places I've lived, who's stolen my vehicle and robbed my house,.... If I could change one thing, I'd have gone home and studied math instead of meeting him.

Why are you posting your question here You should try another category

Id change reading the boring story in this question info zzzzz

That fusion power would be perfected.

Learn more science and be globally warmed.

it can be something in your life, but i mean as far as ww2, 9-11 ect.

i seen a pic were a japanese man was diving in the water looking for his wife years after a tsunami hit. i would reverse that tsunami because thats messed up.

what would you do?