> How many gigatons of carbon dioxide do the oceans release every year?

How many gigatons of carbon dioxide do the oceans release every year?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
"..but they release a lot more than they absorb leaving a net surplus of co2 they pump into the atmosphere every year"

That statement is incorrect, it's physically impossible to create more of something than what is initially there. But to answer your question the ocean emits about 330 gigatons of CO2 while absorbing around 340 gigatons annually. That absorption rate however has slowly been increasing due to human additions to the carbon cycle and is in-part the cause of increasing ocean acidification that is gradually becoming a concern.

Edit: No I'm pretty sure it factors in organic lifeforms as well, considering the reason why there is such a discrepancy between outgoing and incoming CO2 is predominantly due to organic life. There's an equilibrium law in chemistry that states degassing will usefully follow with an equal amount of gasification. The oceans surface is pretty close to this equilibrium and if all organic life were to be removed, the rate of in/outgoing CO2 would be near parity. However as it stands CO2 is absorbed by organic life and in some instances even removes it (ie. algae dies and falls to the ocean floor removing a tiny amount of CO2) from the cycle. This ultimately reduces the amount of outgoing CO2.

As for the source of those numbers, I read them from a NewScientist article ages ago but chances are they were from the IPCC.

Oceans absorb carbon dioxide.

Who knows, depending on temperature and location (tropics arctic) they are simultaneously absorbing and emitting.

1. Stay in school and do your science homework

2. Google to learn the difference between stock and flow

3. "" " " to learn the difference between gross and net.