> Coldest game in Iowa Hawkeye's football history...hey how's that global warming going?

Coldest game in Iowa Hawkeye's football history...hey how's that global warming going?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

You see, it is weather when it goes against AGW. But if that game would have been played in 110 degree weather, it would have been Global Warming. If it would have been played in a cyclone (No reference to Iowa State) it would be climate change. Just ask Al Gore. As to the clown suit, that is their normal attire.

Baccy Baby: If you are inferring that some one didn't learn the basics of weather, you must realize that those computer models obviously don't work so good. A lot of the programming was prompted by a Hawkeye, James Hansen. Obviously he didn't learn much, except communism. He is good a communism but his expertise in climate is obviously flawed. Otherwise, why would he have to corrupt data.


Tsk! Tsk! Baccy, learn about life. You can learn about that in the third grade too. Talk about embarassing statements.

Lemme 'splain.

The world's big, and we only invented decent thermometers a century or so ago. And the warming signal is less than the day-to-day variation in a lot of areas. This means that you can probably cherry-pick a few "coldest ever"s even in a warming world, just like you'd be able to cherry-pick a few "warmest ever"s in a cooling world.

Or, to put it another way:



Global warming is climate. "It's cold today" is weather. Learn the difference...

(edit for grammar)

Rob Riggle, you have made a fool of yourself in your response to Noah. Yes cold air moves from the arctic to warmer areas. Yes that is how snow storms arrive. The primary path of weather patterns in the northern hemisphere is carried by the jet stream. This is a series of winds that move west to east in a wavy pattern, bringing cold arctic air to the lower parts of the continents. And yes, in recent years one of the very important climate changes that have been observed is changes in the jet stream. It has slowed and become wavier. This is the reason for snow storms very far south in recent years. And the reason the jet stream has slowed and become wavier is very likely the loss of arctic ice.

I sincerely hope that you are not a student at or graduate of Iowa, because you lack of understanding of the basics of the world around you would be embarrassing for any university.

If you are enrolled at the University, it's a shame that you did not learn basic weather in Jr High or High School, but if you are interested you might seek out a course that covers how weather works. Perhaps GEOG 1020. It's just a two unit course that you help you understand rather than making such embarrassing statements as you did in your post here.

It's either just weather or it's clime. It get's a bit confusing now because alarmists are trying to blame ALL weather on man made Global Warming. So you might get Climate Realist saying "It's weather" and then later saying "It's actually proof of man made Global Warming". Global warming is unfalsifiable so they can pretty much point to anything as proof that it exists.

It is not expected as Noah says, but one of the early predictions from climate change is for the possibility of colder temps and unusual snow occurrences not just warmer temps. This is part of why we refer to climate change instead of simply global warming. The clown suit comment was uncalled for and rude

kano the last 17 years have shown an increase in GW there was nothing stable about it. You need a new source of info, maybe something that is reliable and truthful..

There are changes going on, five of the last six snowiest northern hemisphere years were in the last decade, the jet streams tend to come more southerly now and these cold events are happening more often, and the only thing I am sure about, is that it is not CO2, CO2 can only effect weather by heat/temperature, and we have had stable temperatures for 17yrs now.


More proof that football can leave irreparable brain damage.

Global Warming ended last year. Mike

The climate is not as simple a thing to understand as a football game.

Extreme dips in the jet stream bring in massive amounts of artic air. These dips are the expected result of climate change. Other dips just don't want to understand how this works so they make dippy statements to prove how little they understand.


The fight with this group is going well , they are loosing ,The true Evil Global Wormers have been exposed for who they are .

Better than your education.

Your question is about weather.
