> Are there any good books out there on global warming and climate change denial?

Are there any good books out there on global warming and climate change denial?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

The Hockey Stick Illusion

The CruTape Letters

The Honest Broker

The Great Global Warming Blunder, How Mother Nature Fooled the World's Top Climate Scientists

Who Turned On The Heat e-book

Climate Models Fail e-book

In addition to the others already mentioned, I'd definitely add "A Vast Machine: Computer Models, Climate Data, and the Politics of Global Warming (Infrastructures)," by Paul N. Edward, 2010, is a tour-de-force on all aspects of the data and processes behind the conclusions. It's stunningly detailed and complete and probably represents a near-continuous 20 years of hard work. I was very much impressed and told the author so. Anyone will come away from it with a much better understanding of what goes on and why it goes on. I would NOT recommend this book to a general audience. It is BIG, DETAILED, and THOROUGH. Read it only if you are serious about this topic. But there isn't another book like it on its subject area.

An early (but still) good book that I enjoyed a lot and is really, really readable for general audiences is "The Next One Hundred Years" by Jonathan Weiner (Pulitzer prize winner for his "The Beak of the Finch" on evolution.) It will reach right inside you and help you understand the situation, viscerally, as well as accurately for the time it was written (c.1990.) I've given away a hundred of these books from personal funds. It talks to people. (The author and I have written to each other in the past, as well.)

"The Deniers" by Solomon is actually a book trying to defend deniers, Solomon is a writer at a right wing newspaper- the National Post.

Other "deniers are right" book include

The Hockey Stick Illusion

The CruTape Letters

The Honest Broker

There are many other conspiracy books. None of them reflect the real science

Merchants of Doubt is about denier tactics, well documented across different issues from DDT to Tobacco and lately Climate change

I fail to see how Zippi is answering the question about books, true mark of a denier.

Global warming ended last year 2012. Mike

Pegminer is correct about Conway and Oreskes Merchants of Doubt for exposing the operation of the deniers. I would also recommend a book that is a few decades old, Climatic Change; John Gribbon, editor; Cambridge University Press; 1978. This is an excellent introduction to the way the science was conducted. It is very much a climate science textbook. And since it was wriitten in the mid-1970's, Al Gore was still in school, nobody had ever heard of him, and it gives you an excellent perspective on the beginnings of our realization that human-caused global warming was happening. Here: http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDeta...

The ISBN numbers are:

hard cover: 0 521 21594 3

soft cover: 0 521 29205 0

The conclusions weren't firm then, but you can see what was actually being done in the science then, and where they had gotten to, about 12 - 15 years before the rise of the professional deniers about 1990, and the second rise of the total know-nothing deniers about 2000. I think it is an invaluable book for its historic significance alone, not to mention the insight it gives into what the science was looking at 4 or more decades ago. The skeptics who wrote chapters in that book were legitimate skeptics, but you can see the consensus forming even then, that we were in for a climate change. It's also fairly obvious from the book that very very few people expected the speed at which AGW is hitting us.

I highly recommend both books. I would also recommend checking out your nearest university bookstores for texts used in the university science department's climatology courses today, as they will give you a better feel for where the science got to in the past few years. After that, I can only recommend the online site RealClimate, for almost real time science.

I might suggest "The Science and Politics of Global Climate Change," by Andrew E. Dessler and Edward A. Parson.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

On deniers:

1. Merchants of doubt is good, not only on climate change but on Tobacco and other issues. It goes into some details as to why- what drives some of these deniers.

2. Climate cover up by John Cook

3. 'Climate Change Denial'. By Haydn Washington

4. Hockey Stick wars by Mann

On Climate change:

1. Start with Storms of my Grandchildren by James Hansen

Zippi is still hallucinating. no answer, just a rant.

Yes. Start with the Deniers by Lawrence Salomon.

Why do you need a book? The earth has cooled for over a decade, yet CO2 levels have increased.

Get your knowledge from experience, not books. Use books only as an aide, not the ultimate source of information.

There is a book out there called 'The Communist Manifesto'. Look what misery and trouble that has caused mankind.

Joseph Goebbel,

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

One of the easiest ways to propagate a lie is to have some numskull with credentials write a book. Science has to prove, books do not.

But all in all, there is one. You need go no further. It is called 'The Bible'. You can trust the author since, "It is impossible for God to lie."


This is not a book but is a good read:

Probably, but why spend your money? You can get a great overview of skeptic's viewpoint for free.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

"Merchants of Doubt" by Naomi Oreskes is a good one.

EDIT: Maxx, I've watched the entire "Swindle", have you read "Merchants of Doubt"?

Another EDIT: Yes Maxx, I'm sure I missed many of the particular lies in the "Swindle", but I don't see that as any reason to watch it again.

So you won't read it "Merchants of Doubt" for the same reason that you block my answers? You don't want to learn anything that will change your world view? Or because it has not been approved by your Minister of Propaganda?

The Bible

Temperature records are the only "true story". All you have to do is learn how to read them. "Anthropogenic (man-made) Global Warming" (AGW) is based on greenhouse gases causing temperatures to rise. A denier/skeptic believes this is done naturally and that greenhouse gases have very little effect on temperatures. AGW advocates/alarmists believe CO2 is forcing temperatures up.

Here's a list for you that shows how variable temperatures are from one point to the next over time (remember that atmospheric CO2 has officially increased every year since 1958) :


(Note: The chart starts in the 1800s and finishes in Oct 2013)

Jan 1880 to Feb ‘82 +0.39C (13.67C to 14.06C)

Feb ‘82 to Jan ‘85 -0.61C (14.06C to 13.45C)

Jan ‘85 to Dec ‘85 +0.58C (13.45C to 14.03C)

Dec ‘85 to Jan ‘87 -0.60C (14.03C to 13.43C)

Jan ‘87 to Feb ‘89 +0.74C (13.43C to 14.17C)

Feb ‘89 to Jan ‘93 -1.01C (4 years) (-2.525C per decade - Global Cooling?)

Jan ‘93 to July ‘93 +0.68C (6 months) (Oops! - +6.8C per decade?)

July ‘93 to Jan ‘95 -0.33C (13.84C to 13.51C)

Jan ‘95 to Oct ‘96 +0.53C (13.51C to 14.04C)

Oct ‘96 to Mar ‘98 -0.59C (14.04C to 13.45C)

Mar ‘98 to Nov ‘99 +0.62C

Nov ‘99 to Jan 1904 -0.72C (5 years)

Jan ‘04 to Apr ’06 +0.59C

Apr ’06 to Jan ’09 -0.59C

Jan ’09 to Jan ’14 +0.59C (5 years)

Jan ’14 to Dec ’16 -0.71C

Dec ’16 to Jul ’17 +0.49C (7 months)

July ’17 to Dec ’17 -0.47C (5 months)

Dec ’17 to Oct ’18 +0.62C (10 months)

Oct ’18 to Dec ’20 -0.39C

Dec ’20 to Jan ’21 +0.43C (1 month)

Jan ’21 to Feb ’22 -0.37C

Feb ’22 to Jan ’26 +0.59C (4 years)

Jan ’26 to Mar’27 -0.50C

Mar ’27 to Oct ’27 +0.37C

Oct ’27 to Feb ’29 -0.55C

Feb ’29 to Nov ’30 +0.68C

Nov ’30 to Dec ’33 -0.56C

Dec ’33 to Feb ’35 +0.58C

Feb ’35 to Feb ’36 -0.50C (1 year)

Feb ’36 to Dec ’39 +0.73C

Dec ’39 to Jan ’40 -0.52C (1 month)

Jan ’40 to Jan ’44 +0.42C (4 years)

Jan ’44 to Dec ’46 -0.63C (14.31C to 13.68C)

Dec ’46 to Jan ’48 +0.44C (13.68C to 14.12C)

Jan ’48 to Feb ’51 -0.55C (14.12C to 13.57C)

Feb ’51 to Feb ’53 +0.63C (13.57C to 14.20C)

Feb ’53 to Mar ’55 -0.52C

Mar ’55 to Jan ’58 +0.69C

Jan ’58 to Mar ’60 -0.73C

Mar ’60 to Feb ’61 +0.54C

Feb ’61 to Apr ’64 -0.49C

Apr ’64 to Mar ’68 +0.57C

Mar ’68 to Jan ’72 -0.51C

Jan ’72 to Feb ’73 +0.57C

Feb ’73 to Feb ’74 -0.58C

Feb ’74 to May ’77 +0.53C

May ’77 to July ’78 -0.44C

July ’78 to Dec ’79 +0.60C

Dec ’79 to Mar ’82 -0.49C

Mar ’82 to Jan ’83 +0.55C

Jan ’83 to Dec ’84 -0.56C

Dec ’84 to Jan ’88 +0.60C

Jan ’88 to Nov ’88 -0.46C

Nov ’88 to Mar ’90 +0.65C

Mar ’90 to Sep ’92 -0.75C

Sep ’92 to Feb ’95 +0.79C

Feb ’95 to Jan ’96 -0.51C

Jan ’96 to Feb ’98 +0.62C

Feb ’98 to May ’99 -0.56C

May ’99 to Mar 2002 +0.59C

Mar ’02 to Jul ’04 -0.50C

Jul ’04 to Oct ’05 +0.53C

Oct ’05 to Jan ’08 -0.53C

Jan ’08 to Mar’10 +0.64C

Mar ’10 to Jan ’12 -0.49C

Jan ’12 to present +0.12C (Current Global average temperature is 14.61C)

This shows how variable temperatures are naturally and simply are not forced by steadily increasing CO2 levels.

Alph - These are NASA's numbers and they all represent 1 number that constantly increases/decreases (moves) over time. NASA believes that there is a fluctuation of Global average temperatures, otherwise they wouldn't post them and use them as proof of Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW). I only illustrated that it moves from one extreme to another with a movement of over 1C during these fluctuations from warming to cooling over time (e.g. Jan '08 (14.24C) to Jan '10 (14.88C) to Jan '12 (14.39C) = Total Global average temperature movement of 1.13C in 4 years). Global average temperature stands at +0.61C above the established normal temperature of 14C.