> Has global warming started?

Has global warming started?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
How do we know if it's started?

If you mean **man-made** Global Warming, then no. It has never existed.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

For those of you living in a cave. Global Warming ended in 2012. Mike

Yes, it has started. It is said that in the north and the south poles the ice is melting. Global Warming has started because of the cars and automobiles,deforestation and many more harmful things done by human.Once the ice has melted at the poles ,THE seas the oceans will cover the whole continents. Since because of the ice on the poles the oceans and seas will be erect.

For more information please watch this video

Look at Linny, ""How do we know?"

We measure it.

That's what thermometers do."

Ha! Ha! Linny hasn't kept up with the latest, apparently. The Earth has cooled for over a decade now.


Natural global warming started at the bottoming in the Little Ice Age, around 1650. The Earth's temperature has climbed about 0.8 degrees C since then. This is natural, not man made and it is not catastrophic.

Global warming actually started as soon as the first day of creation.Several thousand years later ,fossil records indicate a cataclysmic Flood which encapsulated all living creatures in homogenous strata.Not over millions of years but within a twelve month time frame.Prior to that tropical conditions covered the whole greenhouse enveloped globe.Then Axis shift of 17 degrees sent torrents of Ocean to initiate Ice age upheaval with Atmospheric occlusion .Genetic studies since Crick and other men of science had interpretated mutation as proof that we must have started off in The firmament of Genesis, without form and void. What moderns call the Big Bang. primeval soup scenario. Fine at that stage but the intermediary programming was not by trial and error as agnostics insist.Why should an all Powerful Intelligent Designer take billions of years to translate dna into perfect man, perfect lizard, perfect osprey, perfect life support system with a satellite moon with precise tide controlling and reflective beauty?As long as the boffins have a doctorate or degree that makes them gods in their own right.Yet God loves mankind and every individual in it.Unlike Lord Evolution who cares nothing for you or me , nor for your education, your wife and kids, your great great grandchildren. If they evolve their own ipodic brain ; jet propulsion, so what! Will they be happy? Will they radiate love and peace and joy? Of course not.Just clever devils.Many objective people in Science disciplines see a reversal of evolution in the panoply of life. Plainly the natural order is in decay and degeneration. Here is a different slant to our evolution story..Powerful long living super-race before the Flood contradicting banal caveman image! There are so many anachronistic devices the Establishment uses today to hoodwink us into believing IT is greater than God. Phoney fossil and transitionary charts pervade our school books and TV programmes. No one can blame Joe Public being so naive about evolution. As for today we see a reversal of Ice age conditions back to subtropical but this is a far more gradual process and involving sporadic fires and tornadoes and Tsunami Earth shrinkage.


www.youtube.com/watch?v=FC8wWsBKc88? Nephilim Annunaki and the Sumerian giant skeletons

It started in the 80's and finished in 1977, since then we have had no warming and it looks like it is going to get cooler.

1.52Fin 130yrs is not even statistically significant, and you certainly wouldn't be able to notice it if your house warmed up by 1.52F

The earth has been heating and cooling ever since its been created.

lrn 2 reed and you might learn something about the subject


We know it's started because satellites and weather balloons measure the temperature of the atmosphere getting warmer.


Thermometers near the surface measure the lower air getting warmer.


Buoys and ships measure the oceans heating up too.


Global warming started a long time ago.



A decade is weather.


How do we know if it's started?

Yes. The weather is getting more severe in winters and summers

"How do we know?"

We measure it.

That's what thermometers do.

Yes it has started.



"Averaged over all land and ocean surfaces, temperatures warmed roughly 1.53°F (0.85oC) from 1880 to 2012"

OH, are we spitting at each other now? Okay, let's play.

Sagebrush "The Earth has cooled for over a decade now."


1998 was indeed a warm year.

3rd or 4th hottest on record, depending on the database.

However, the 2000s were the hottest decade, obviously indicating that warming is continuing.

(Oh, and the next hottest was the 1990s, followed by the '80s, etc.)

Roger Mendoza "it's about to finish"

Oh. I always like the, "Cooling is scheduled to begin in a couple years" proclamations.

RayDio "Many objective people in Science disciplines see a reversal of evolution in the panoply of life. Plainly the natural order is in decay and degeneration."

Uh huh. Surely you can trust the devolution folks.

Maxx "It has never existed."

Or the, "It's all in your imagination" folks.

BTW, yes, when you turn on the furnace, you can tell when it's 1.8 degrees warmer.

And the earth is clearly warming. That's why glaciers all over are melting.


Not every single glacier, but way more than 90% of 'em.

Yes, The weather is becoming more extreme and is getting worse every year.

yes it is

I think Yes.

Yup, I am pretty sure it has.

it's about to finish