> Global warming believers claim that so-called "global warming" is responsible for more weird and freaky weathe

Global warming believers claim that so-called "global warming" is responsible for more weird and freaky weathe

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Well, I am sure they have great expertise in 'weird' and 'freaky'. Most of them live in their mother's basements and don't have time to take their baths. After they take off their socks after they have worn them continuously for a month, the socks crawl over to the nearest corner of the basement and blend in with the decor. Now how freaky can you get?!

It is real weird that they get so freaked out over every little hurricane or tornado. As one excitable greenie screamed upstairs to his mother, "Ma! Ma! There's hurricane coming! Help! We gotta do somptin'!" The mother answered, "Pipe down! That hurricane is in the Cayman Islands and you are safely here in Vancouver. It won't get you this time!"

Global warming believers claim that so-called "global warming"?

>It's not "so called" it's documented by written records for 1700 years and ice core analysis for 100k years. Climate change has occurred on the earth since it's inception,at least 6 million years.

> Wondering and questioning are the foundation of science.

>The actual definition of weird is in the Oxford as;Suggesting something supernatural; uncanny. Yep that's the consensus of most scientists.

>The pollution spewed by humans is incalculable at this time as WE JUST DON'T KNOW..We don't have that technology yet.

> Why risk it? Recycle and reuse,,plant trees and reduce your carbon footprint?

=Wise people have said we can depend upon nature. Hopeful peole trust that nature is divinely intermediating. I know that nature is awesome and has potential of global activity that no one can ever even dreamed of...or even notice.d..so that we may continue to have a chance to live in harmony with occassional disaster, and ongoing daily miracles.

If you are reassured that despite mile wide tornados juggling 50 cars at 800 feet up, nature buffers most of the rampant waste and hasty resource management that we juggle aroud, worldwide and by wing , ping, parity, anf ferreting, then perhaps you are like me. I feel no one knows how the crazy way we tax earth really impacts it, bu=

, but if we can come together in peace to world-work some economic inyelligence and take it easier on her, perhaps she shall show appreciation in the same measure.

My wife and I were on ablack sand beach on the big island when we decided not to fill her purse with the tiny pebbles.

Well they already said it was going to cool, and then they said it was going to warm, and then they threw up their hands and just said it was going to change and well that just isn't that scary so we now have climate disruption and global weirding.

Fred, most of the CO2 in the atmosphere is from volcanoes and other sources. IMO, it is you that is marching lock step with your fellow sheep.

Only about a 100 ppmV of the current 400 may be from human sources. I would point out that plant stomata data that is completely ignored by alarmists because it doesn't help the Cause because it suggests there were plenty of times when CO2 was over 300 ppmV so we can't really be sure how much human emission have raised the CO2. There is over 200 times as much carbon in the ocean as humans have emitted so it could easily get lost in the mix. Some alarmists have realized that and have tried to keep the worry to maximum by inventing the phrase ocean acidification and alarmists just gobble it up without any skepticism and assume (they know) it has to also be catastrophic.

The weather that many claim to weird and freaky, are no worse then any weather that has been encountered in our own recorded history. You don't see them making a big deal out of the less then the low number of predicted hurricanes this seasons.

The credibility of alarmists was already on shaky ground with me in March of 2011...then they began to claim that "climate change causes earthquakes".

After that and the falsified data scandal, they are at square one with providing verifiable proof of climate change to me.

What weird weather Cosmic Storms and such . Its still normal

nothing changed . Rain , floods , heatwaves , blizzards.

Science is not about coming up with definitions for deliberately vague terms that you post here.

The word is "erratic." We are experiencing "Global Erratic Climate." Scientific research proves it, just ask the experts. And keep the research money coming.

As the climate warms, long established weather patterns are disrupted, leading to unusual, unseasonal, and more extreme weather. I don't think anyone in the scientific community would use words like weird and freaky, because they are, as you point out, rather vague. I don't think news outlets can resist the alliteration of "weird weather" though, it's like catnip to them.

What is the scientific definition of "weird" and "freaky" as established by the scientific consensus? I'm not able to locate these definitions on NOAA or NASA web sites and would like help finding them.

Well you see here is how it works. In the past man could not predict much more than a week in advance. BUT NOW, with all of the technology improvements, man cannot predict more than about a week out. You see, the inability to predict in the past was due to lack of knowledge, but now that the climate scientists have claimed certainty and claim to KNOW the climate, the inability to predict now must be due to CO2 emissions.

You see, When you ar emodeling it works like this. You can more accurately tell what is going to happen 1 day out than 2 days out. And 2 days out than 3. And 1 week out than 2 weeks out.

Now as you can clearly see following this logic, you can OBVIOUSLY tell with extreme certainty what is going to happen in 100 years, but not next year. It makes perfect sense if you don't think about it.

You see Co2 is a tricky little nymph. It can cloud the near future models of about 2-5 years out, but it is powerless against 100 years out. Its magical ability is simply not strong enough.

But all of this talk, you are missing the important thing here. Big daddy government wants to solve this problem for us and can. All we have to do is know that CO2 is the big bad bogeyman, but the gubmint will save us. We just have to let the gubmint tax us... problem solved.

Now I think I am done explaining this to you. It is really so simple. You must be an evil reprehensible, lower than pond scum, denier of science, if you don't understand.


Now you might be concerned that 95% of our models are overestimating. No need to panic about this at all. The end of humanity is still on schedule.

You see, the OLD scientific method worked where you develop a model, test it, revise the model, test it again, and continually repeat the process. This antiquated system just took too long. SO we have the new scientific method. You develop a model and declare the model as accurate. Then you test the model. If the model does not work, then you make "corrections" to the older model and state that the older model worked the entire time after you apply your correction factors. Nevermind that it wasn't able to truly predict anything, prediction was soooo last century.

The take away message is simply this. The models that are overestimating 95% of the time are actually perfectly accurate and there is no need to panic as the climate apocalypse is going to occur on schedule, so all you need to do is panic and let big daddy gubmint tax you because taxes solve everything.


Thats right, listen to fred.

You actually have the audicity to question whether we are seeing extreme weather changes??? How dare you. Well some "deniers" claim cake is better than pie. Therefore you are an ignorant slovenly man that smells of elderberries.

It causes baldness and crankiness

You know fully well this post is designed to deride and make fun of people who believe in global warming . .

But let's take the argument that many on your side take . . that volcanos are responsible for 70% of the emissions in the air. It is Patently false . . the amount of emissions from volcanoes around the globe is about the same as that of Michigan . . . . Emissions from man, agriculture, industry, power plants, autos, refining et al is somewhere more like 10,000 times more than volcanos . . There is no dispute on this by the way

So, instead of blindly banging the drum that Global Warming concerns are those of nitwits . . perhaps you do more than stand lock-step in line with your poo-pooers and do a little investigation that may challenge your lack of education on the subject

No, they claim that it makes Deniers weird and freaky - and I think you can find those definitions in any dictionary.

sorry even those common slang terms are too sciencey for you

