> Would any politician who truly believed humanity is causing global warming and CO2 is destroying do this?

Would any politician who truly believed humanity is causing global warming and CO2 is destroying do this?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Do as I say, not as I do

'Earth Day is about taking action,' the White House declared shortly after takeoff

Action is all they need for the faithful since symbolism is way more important to them than substance. Frankly I am surprised he isn't doing a fundraiser but maybe he will squeeze that in there too.

"Alright you slaves out there, sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice, while I do my high flying. Suckers! You voted for me. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! I know how stupid your are. You still love me even though I didn't lower the seas as promised. If you are stupid enough to believe in Global Warming, then you are smart enough to vote for me. Michele told me that just last night. Kind of catchy ain't it." BHO

Only when they believe they are above the rules he sets for everyone else.

Just another hypocritical alarmist. When they tell YOU that YOU should reduce YOUR carbon footprint they really do mean YOU. They are all far too important to attempt to reduce their own carbon footprint because each and every one of them has to spread the important message that YOU should reduce YOURS.

Surprise, surprise. surprise, the president traves


Why all the hypocrisy from these leftists? And where is the outrage from the AGW true believers if they actually believe AGW is a real threat? Will the IPCC or the UN condemn this flagrant abuse of power? Will the EPA object?