> Can trees respond to global temperature changes?

Can trees respond to global temperature changes?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
No, it is obvious trees, unless transplanted, remain in one locale and are only subject to their immediate surroundings. To think otherwise is akin to voodoo.

Trees grow n the environment they are most comfortable with.If they don't like that eviroment they will not thrive.That's why we have so diverse of trees and where they are.You can't plant a Palm in Alaska and expect it to grow and thrive.I don't think they respond to global temps.

no tree can withstand a 1 degree rise in temperature, oh wait a minute, the trees where I live actually still exist with the temps going from -25 to + 118 or a 140 degree fluctuation, how can this be, we need to ask the warmunists who say trees are dying because of global warming

The CRU basically disproved much of the tree ring data. Think about this they stopped using tree ring data once it diverged from the real temps. (about the mid n 1960) we've only have near-surface temperature with quasi-global coverage starting around 1850. No that means we have about 170 years where we can compare tree ring data with real temps. They tossed out about 45 years worth of tree ring data because it didn't match observed temps. so that mean about 25% of the time the temps. didn't match, or to put it simply tree ring data was wrong 25% of the time. Being wrong that often basically means it's not a reliable proxy.

No. Surprise; Sagebrush is right. However, when you get trees all over the world responding to climatic changes the same way, you begin to suspect a global change.

YES TREES are older than any life forms on earth's surfaces and continue to grow in any weather. Mike

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No, only local. The other thing is that the trees grow better with warmer temps.

This is the funniest part of the warmers whole claim. They get their climate sensitivity based upon tree ring data in which they assume that warmer temps equate to better growth, and then they have the audacity to claim that warmers temps do not necessarily equate to better growth.

Personally, I don't care which they claim, if they actually stayed consistent in their beliefs. I HATE their constant BS crap logic of having their cake after they have eaten it.

You want to set up your whole global warming ideology based upon trees growing better with warmer temps, then you CANNOT later claim that global warming will make it harder to grow crops. THAT IS STUPID!!!!

Is it possible for trees to grow based on changes to global temperature, rather than local temperature? Some dendroclimatology studies use teleconnections to validate proxies based on matches to records other than the local one.