> Can anyone help me find a good place to live ?

Can anyone help me find a good place to live ?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Texas is good. But why did you post this in Australia? Sam Neill said he would love to have lived in Montana. If we are to believe the IPCC, Montana will become nice and warm.

North Dakota although a bit chilly in the winter.

From Wikipedia:

North Dakota has weathered the Great Recession with a boom in natural resources, particularly oil extraction from the Bakken formation, which lies beneath the western part of the state.[6] The development has driven strong job and population growth, and low unemployment.

Gun Requirements:

Shotguns and Rifles

No permit necessary to purchase

Registration of rifles and shotguns is not mandatory

Licensing of owners is not necessary

A permit to carry shotguns or rifles is not necessary

Handguns or pistols

No permit necessary to purchase

Registration is not mandatory

Licensing of owners is not necessary

A permit to carry is necessary only if the firearm is concealed

Texas seems like a good choice. Arizona/Nevada, Utah, New Mexico are possibilities but it gets really hot there but then again so does Texas. Most of the other Southernish States like California have strict gun laws unless maybe you might want to consider somewhere like Georgia or Alabama.

Its better to reside in Singapore for a better and superb life.

What does this have to do with GW????????????????????????

Ill be graduating high school soon i live in new jersey and im a big outdoorsman a state in looking for will have to not be to expensive to live in , a good economy( i heard texas is really good ) , not alot of gun laws thats one of my biggest pep peeves about jersey also i love the cold weather but i drive a motorcycle so not to cold to where i cant ride but not to hot as well can anyone me find a state or country like this so i can hopefully move soon thank you