> The Effect of Deep-Sea Drilling?

The Effect of Deep-Sea Drilling?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What is the effect of deep-sea drilling platforms on marine organisms; Discuss pros and cons.

They thrive.

While offshore drilling may provide additional fuel for the world’s growing appetite for oil, there are several environmental impacts to consider. They include: 1) Oil Discharges/Spills: Most oil spills take place when oil is being transported via tanker and not during actual offshore drilling – Macondo being a clear exception. 2) Drilling Fluid Discharges: Drilling mud and cuttings can contain toxins and radioactive materials from underground which have to be handled carefully to prevent pollution of the outside environment. 3) Air Pollution: Offshore Drilling rigs emit air pollution, primarily from engines used to drive the drill bit into the earth. They also periodically run into natural gas which they sometimes ignite (“flaring”) in order to burn off the gas to prevent a dangerous situation. 4) Seismic Studies: Explosive charges from seismic operations have been accused of causing whale beachings and affecting fish in the area. 5) Industrialization of Coastal Areas: Offshore drilling operations typically require terminals and shipyards to support operations and provide places for pipelines and barges to bring oil ashore. 6) Decommissioning of Offshore Platforms: After an oil platform is done producing, a steel and cement structure is left that has to be demolished in an expensive and environmentally sensitive process.

Deep sea platforms are a magnet to sport fishermen, the platforms themselves get covered in marine organisms, they shelter small bait fish, which attracts large predatory fish like amberjack, snapper and tuna.

They act as artificial reefs.

Are fossil fuels "not" part of a natural chain of events that come from energy that has been naturally sequestered? ... and are they "not" part of a natural burial of that energy that has been sequestered for the natural use of naturally evolved humans?

I'm not a believer of the "Evolution Theory"!

Fossil fuels are a natural part of the Earth and always will be. Carbon circulation will always benefit life. There isn't a "con" when it comes to carbon circulation. AGW Science/Climate Science is based on the negativity of CO2 increases. That's a well established premise for anthropogenic (man-made) global warming.

What is the effect of deep-sea drilling platforms on marine organisms; Discuss pros and cons.