> Would you support an opinion tax over a carbon tax? How large of a carbon footprint has spreading global warming propaga

Would you support an opinion tax over a carbon tax? How large of a carbon footprint has spreading global warming propaga

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
We are already taxed enough. How about a lie tax? That would definitely bankrupt all politicians and the 75 scientists that represent 97% of all scientists.

An 'opinion tax' would be un-constitutional, so no, I could never support such a thing. That would fly in the face of free speech.

While it's true the man-made propaganda has done much damage to the world we don't want to compound that damage by destroying our own right to free speech. If it wasn't for free speech, the Alarmists propaganda could have never been exposed for the fraud it is.

Let them lie, their lies are catching up with them.


No, I am against all taxes, either way you put it. I would start measure AGW in toothprints instead of footprints, the numbers would be much more impressive... =D

Why? How much co2 would a tax remove from the atmosphere? If you want to reduce co2, build more nuclear power plants.

There already is an 'opinion tax'.

Actually, it's an implied tax on stupid.

It leads to poverty.