> Why has there been so little coverage of the enormous climate march on Wall Street? Seems like a deliberate oversight by

Why has there been so little coverage of the enormous climate march on Wall Street? Seems like a deliberate oversight by

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
- Many seemed surprised by the turnout on Sunday. While organizers were predicting 100,000 people private estimates were lower than 40,000. Estimates of the actual turnout in NYC were between 300,000 to 400,000.

- by not having speeches or inviting politicians a larger coalition of groups could be invited to participate.

- the march appealed to the popular strength of the climate change issue and tellingly was hurt by its weakness: the ability to carry the message to critical review sources. Some would go so far as to complain that the media is disproportionally controlled by those who would deny a long term climate action is necessary and would favor short term economic goals instead.

The success of the march and the lack of coverage may perhaps be a telling indication of the two factions so that the news becomes the popularity and the lack of media coverage.

I have noticed a large increase in coverage on climate related questions over the last two days since Sunday's marches. Given that the main climate march in New York amazingly and absurdly consisted of NO policy goals, NO demands, NO position statements, and included NO speeches, in short was one that involved nothing more than people marching to show they "cared," an uptick in articles on issues that actually mean something (like sea level impacts, like China's position and plans, like how corporate profits can BENEFIT from reduced use of carbon fuels, etc.) I would say it is positive that there has been some impact on press scrutiny of climate matters, due to an event that didnt' really try to accomplish anything at all.

You just covered it so congrats.

Let's see now


A woman eats back seat of cop car, definitely more important than the climate march I am sure you agree.

Solar energy taking America by Storm. Sorta related and how does that work in a storm anyway?

White house builds second fence (yet refuses to build fence on border). That has to top the climate march

13 Stars Who Started As Strippers: Ok I confess, I had to find out. Brad is the pits (didn't need to know that). Lady Gaga (Oh my gaga) Courtney Love (real shocker there), Catheryn Zeta Jones (I might even go to that show, if I can convince my wife to join me)

Well I got to admit, you are correct, nobody cares much for it.

People don't much care for Hippies demonstrating for pie in the sky causes.

The "March" was not only for 'Climate'. There were Hippies representing about every 'Cause Industry' in the country. It was really funny to watch 'Anti-Capitalist' activists selling T-Shirts and other crap.

The Hippy-rabble at that event made total fools of themselves. Not newsworthy. I'm still waiting to see footage of Gore and Dicaprio riding their bicycles from home to the Climate-Woodstock event. Certainly, they would not burn fuel in private jets or limos to get to such an event!!

"ENORMOUS"? Over 7.2 billion people didn't march! You've been duped by a media that has been over-sensationalizing such a worthless and costly event. Who picked up their garbage? Government?

"Global Warming" is mostly natural, but you won't find an alarmist like Al Gore speaking about "natural climate variability". That's because he is a politician and not a climate scientist and we are finding more and more that climate science and the extremely biased "socialistic" media isn't totally honest with the general public.

Case and point :

Alarmist climate science says "Oceans are warming due to atmospheric CO2 increases".

What is another possibility of the "real truth"? :


" ... Why is Wind Speed Important to SST?

Wind-driven evaporation is the largest source of heat loss from water bodies, including the global oceans. Assuming a global average rate of ocean surface heat loss of 90 W/m2 (which is mostly evaporative), the August value of about 4-5% below the long-term average would mean about 4 W/m2 less cooling of the ocean surface.

Importantly, this 4 W/m2 reduction in heat loss is LARGER than the supposed anthropogenic radiative forcing of about 2.3 W/m2, the IPCC’s RCP6 current radiative forcing value. (The true radiative imbalance is actually less than that because warming has offset some of it with increase IR emission to space). The net result that the wind speed effect is probably at least 4 times the anthropogenic effect.

So, what’s my point? Natural variations in all kinds of things are going on, including a reduction in wind-driven evaporation, which likely contributed to “record warm” SSTs in August.

I have no strong opinions of why the reduction in wind speeds is occurring. Usually the best guess in climate is that it’s part of some cycle that will reverse itself at some point. Only time will tell. ... "

Climate science (in its overall deceptive practices) only measures surface temperatures and uses the anomalies as a "roadmap" to show "Global Warming". As long as the "general public" doesn't understand all of the "natural" variables that constitute temperature, then people like Al Gore appear famous (along with all of the other anti-science Hollywood actors like Leonardo DeCaprio) and can always claim "brilliance" in their predictions and claims.

I totally disagree, I clicked on Yahoo news and there were a large proportion of items about climate change, that d@mn march has given the media carte blanche to promote their propaganda and bullsh!t, it is really depressing for me because I know how gullible the unthinking sheeple are.

Maybe it seem a bit disingenuous for a bunch of people to make their way to NY using FOSSIL FUELS in order to protest the use of FOSSIL FUELS. Maybe its because they have not stated plans for how to reduce CO2 emssions. Maybe its because most of them are teens who will protest for any reason about anything. Mayube its because they certainly did not have the staying power of the occupy movement. Maybe its because they attracted less people than the satirical march against the polarization of Congress that also received little press.

Most likely its because people would rather here about the Kardashian divorce and war.

I think they should have covered the filthy debris that the lovers of the Earth left all over the place. The route the marchers took looked like a garbage dump when they left.

What hypocrites.

To go down there and report on it is the same as exposing it as a fraud. Yahoo doesn't want that. It hurts their cause when they see Al Gore bad mouth the automobile then hop into his SUV. It hurts their cause when Leo calls for 100% clean energy then runs when you ask him about his yacht. It hurts their cause when Bernie Sanders bullies a female reporter with outright lies.


War trumps just about ALL News items... And the Thunderheads of War- have once again cast an obscuring shadow over everything else that's in the news... :(

Maybe C Span covered and it will be on this weekend so you

can laugh at the Socialist nuts

Bwaaahahaha. Paid demonstrators should be on the news?