> Will we ever be able to explore planets and other galaxies with extreme climate?

Will we ever be able to explore planets and other galaxies with extreme climate?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Places like saturn or neptune ive always wondered if we one day will be able to get far enough to explore them or other far away planets

Some, like those within our solar system, are being explored about as well as we can with our current technology. The gas giants don't have a solid surface on which to land, so astronauts in orbit won't learn much more than our robotic probes are finding, right now. Perhaps by establishing bases on their remote moons can be useful for scientific exploration.

Of course, current tech is unable to send human explorers beyond our solar system, but we already have probes on the way. These may not reach other galaxies, but who can say what we can do in the future?

And manned trips? We're taking our first baby steps towards exploring and living in space. Let's go back to the moon, then Mars and so on. A lot of thing we think impossible may become VERY possible, some day.

The Moon is about as extreme as it gets, and we've explored there.

i would bet that we are able to explore other planets in our solar system. different solar systems?? that might be tough. we may be dead before that happens. that's far.

I hope so too, extreme weather is not a problem, extreme gravity is.

I hope so.

Places like saturn or neptune ive always wondered if we one day will be able to get far enough to explore them or other far away planets