> Why do people question global warming research scientists?

Why do people question global warming research scientists?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
WattsUp shows some letters from climate scientists that reveal how very unobjective they are in their opinions toward climate change. If those people were being chosen for a jury, they are the type that lawyers or judges (unless both of those are corrupt, too) would eliminate because of their own self-imposed, illogical rules, which are outrageous in some cases or which are opposed to common-sense. Would you want those people on your jury? Like I've said before, you can't get a fair trial in this town.


Edit: A regular contributor said it best in a recent answer: Deniers are most often men. Forgive me for continuing the sexism that he started, but that may be true, and what does it show? That emotion plays a much greater part in the climate change debate than truth.

My answer is consistent the whiners better use their "Superior Intellect" to change the economics of Green Economy, because those in the for front of whiners keep increasing their carbon footprint. Remember the masses aren't Zealots. They think with their wallets.

i dont know why anyone would bother questioning them , since random chance or throwing a dart at a dart board would would be far more accurate than most of their predictions.

for doubters, heres a link to a 14 year old news report (3/20/2000) about Dr. Viners statement.


Climate science is full of "environmental climate clowns" looking to make a name for themselves. They are looking for any reason to blame a "natural warming" on humans (CO2).

It's funny to watch these "extreme environmental climate science clowns" work. 1987 was the "dawn of a new era" in science when Great Britain decided to give Government money's to "prove" that CO2 was causing the planet to warm. The environmental activist scientists jumped right in. It gave them reason for "being" here (they could save-the-world, if they could find that evidence and provide themselves a nice "Government sponsored" living also). All they had to do was give a "preponderance of evidence" and the money would keep flowing and the media would make sure that they "pontificate" right along with climate science alarmism. It's "BIG NEWS"!

Intelligent scientists already knew what was happening. Climate clowns (alarmist climate scientists) are only feeding their own egos and "trophy walls".

It's fun to watch them "bloviate" as though they know how the climate works. He's just another "climate clown" looking for stature.

Because they are frauds and have been caught cheating on many occasions, just one example is a scientict from NASA who's name escapes me refused to release his data and said why would I give you my data if your just going to try and prove me wrong. That's not science, science is wanting people to try and prove you wrong. He's now going to court

For years now there has been a very active propoganda campaign to get people to think that global warming 1. Does not exist. 2. If it did exist, is not influenced by man. The reason is that there are worldwide industries and corporations profiting from the types of things that contribute to climate change. If you want a great example of this kind of thing playing out in history, look at the movement to get lead out of gasoline, and the movement to keep it in gasoline. Disinformation campaigns have been around for generations. Cigarettes are another great example.

They rather deny it then face the truth. That, is the human way of coping with things too stressuful, repressing them and acting like they all didn't exist.

Even someone with very few knowledge of science can notice how it's getting every summer and natural disasters becoming more frequent and chaotic.

If you watch " Monty Pythons Flying Circus" you will find out

thats where the idiots come from East Anglia

It's called not biting the hand that feeds.

if were not allow to ask skeptical questions than were up for grabs -Carl Sagan

Jesus Christ is the Risen Messiah and God controls the weather

Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia stated that within a few years winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event”.

“Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he said.

Still there are a lot of people who deny that this highly acclaimed global warming researcher predictions are accurate. If you believe that the climate models are accurate and that the global warming research scientists are above reproach and peer reviewed, shouldn't you accept and defend these statements by these scientists at any cost?

Denialists love to focus on details. Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2011 and 2012.


People are idiots, and humanity is doomed for extinction

Oh, I see what you are doing .

No source for the quote. Because it is distorted?

Could you find a single peer-reviewed scientific study that said this?