> What is so terrible about global warming?

What is so terrible about global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Be realistic, what are the dangers? and provide evidence to go with your answer.

Global warming, or climate change, is a conspiracy by global politicians to charge you more money for going to work by creating a 'carbon tax' - and by lazy scientists who prefer a good old whinge instead of doing some actual work like developing fusion power - because what Al Gore and the tree-shagger brigade don't seem to understand is that most people would be happy to have a free power source for their cars.

Global warming doesn't just mean an increase of average temperatures by 2 degrees Fahrenheit. Because Earth's climate is a complicated system of interacting feedback mechanisms, the end result is changes to the climate itself. For example, deserts may become much drier. Rainy areas may become miserably unpleasant. Hurricanes may become more intense. Agriculture is highly sensitive to small changes in the climate. Even with weather patterns that might be natural, crops can sometimes fail. For example, most of this year's Durum Wheat crop failed because too much rain caused it to rot. It's possible that crop failures could become more frequent and some areas could become completely unusable for growing the crops that were traditionally grown there. It's already started happening, California and Texas have both endured the worst droughts ever in record history, and last years polar vortex caused extreme cold air from the Arctic to go much further South than it normally would.

Additionally, many species are already on the brink of extinction and climate change could push them over the edge. One third of all the world's amphibians are on the verge of extinction for various reasons including climate change - humans have already caused serious ecological problems on Earth and it's getting worse.

I wanna sip Mai Tai's under a palm tree in New England in February. Fat chance of that happening.

A lot of subtle, complicated things. http://skepticalscience.com/global-warmi... has a nice list of the positive and negative (mostly negative) effects of global warming. It includes references to the relevant scientific papers.

It doesn't exist.

that it is damaging the ozone layer and the amount of heat from sun is increasing causing the ice in Antarctica to melt

due to this the ocean water will rise and there will b floods

the deniers.evidence in YA.

Be realistic, what are the dangers? and provide evidence to go with your answer.