> What is happening to Antarctic sea ice extent?

What is happening to Antarctic sea ice extent?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It reached a record this year and it is looking like it wants to hang around a bit.


The Antarctic ice shelf is yet another real world condition currently making absolute fools out of the religious AGW alarmist lunatics.

"and no way do I believe Antarctic ice volume is decreasing, show me proof (not dodgy satellite data)"

The graph you linked was area , not volume

Here is the big chance for the denier industry - rather than sitting around on you fat asses, whining ex cathedra about science , why dont you do some?

As the satellite data is not reliable - well , at least to you - send out a survey team with cute little drills & tape measures & do a physical check. Whats stopping you? The industry (eh the Heartland Institute and hacks such as Joanna Nova) receive so much funding you would have plenty do do real science.

OMG I hate these denier questions that point to reality in an attempt to confuse people. Reality is not real. If you understood science you would know that.

Here's the explanation for the umpteenth time.

1) A decrease in Arctic sea ice extent proves CAGW is real.

2) An increase in Arctic sea ice is caused by the wind and in no way disproves CAGW.

3) An increase in Antarctic ice is caused by the hole in the ozone layer... thank you Big Hairspray.

4) A decrease in Antarctic sea ice proves CAGW is real.

So basically whatever happens either proves CAGW is real but nothing disproves it.

How many questions do you need to ask about the Antarctic ice extent?????????????????????????/

The eastern extent increases in winter BUT the Antarctic ice volume decreases yearly. Get a grip

I have posted the following link I believe 2 or 3 rimes already in response to yoo maybe you could take a look and learn something this time!!!! http://nsidc.org/cryosphere/seaice/chara...

"Yes I read it, very interesting but didn't answer my question, and no way do I believe Antarctic ice volume is decreasing, show me proof (not dodgy satellite data)"

He wants "proof", not experimental data. ROFLMAO.

I bet you can get a job as a Fox "News" science editor.

Kano.. yes Antarctic ice volume is decreasing, but then again it's the same NASA folks who faked the moon landings


It reached a record this year and it is looking like it wants to hang around a bit.
