> What happens when you add 1 part in 10,000 of CO2 into a real greenhouse? Is there a measurable difference? Studies?

What happens when you add 1 part in 10,000 of CO2 into a real greenhouse? Is there a measurable difference? Studies?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I wonder if C embarrasses his fellow alarmists or if he may be considered one of the smart ones. We'll prove AGW doesn't exist when they prove fairies don't ride unicorns to work.

A 100 ppmV wouldn't amount to much IMO. The other errors in the experiment would probably render it useless.

Do you go see a podologist when you have a tooth ache?

If not, why do you consult climate science with a person with an MS in Electrical Engineering instead of with a climate scientist?

Is it perhaps because the person with the MS in Electrical Engineering has the same political values as you and thus you believe he just must be a lot smarter than all those scientists who you believe have a different political belief?

Electrical Engineer Steve Goreham is paid by corporations and anonymous donors to deny climate change. Not having a clue what he is talking about is no impediment for The Heartland Institute to hire him as their Policy Advisor because they know very well how easy it is to fool naive people with fossil fuel funded books, websites and op-eds.

Not really, that is only 100PPM

Honestly AGW is a reality so it is a little late for this kind of experiment

Why don't all you deniers put your heads together and try to come up with some real climate science to prove AGW doesn't exist

Real commercial greenhouse monitoring systems measure and control CO2 down to 0.75 part per 10,000 accuracy. (The specs are stated as 75 parts per million.)


Modern farmers are aware of CO2 in their greenhouses down to PPM. Farming is hard and requires attention to details.

it's funny that you think you may actually convert someone