> What do you think the future will be like (READ DESCRIPTION FIRST)?

What do you think the future will be like (READ DESCRIPTION FIRST)?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Global warming is a problem, but we can argue about how big a problem. I say not that big.

In the future people will reduce CO2 emissions as new energy technologies get cheaper and more plentiful while fossil fuel becomes more expensive and scarce. In particular solar power is getting cheap enough to compete on price alone (without subsidies or special tax laws) with fossil fuel, and the amount of solar power generated has been doubling about every 2 years for a few years now. It is already about half a percent of total electricity generated in the USA. If it keeps doubling every 2 years then 2 years from now it will be 1%, 4 years 2%, 6 years 4%, 8 years 8%, 10 years 16%, 12 years 32%, and 14 years from now 64%. I don't expect it to get to 64% though, because it doesn't work at night. Still, that is a major change.

By the way, graphicconception is wrong about the man made share of CO2 in the air being 10%. It is now 30% and growing faster every year.

No I don't think that. The planet has been warming naturally for centuries. CO2 itself only produces about 1C of warming.

You are right that recycling isn't enough. You would have to shut down most of the world economy to get the CO2 emission reductions you need. CO2 will continue to increase no matter what is done as China, India, and the rest of the developing world become wealthier.

You have no idea, there is no such thing as the carbon footprint, CO2 has been many times higher than now in Earths geological past, we even had an ice age when CO2 was10 times more than now.

CO2 warming effect logarithmically diminishes with concentration, it is fully saturated and has soaked up almost all the the long wave radiation it can, any further increases will only produce a tiny insignificant warming, too small to measure.


Oxygen levels are not really a problem. It is currently over 20% of the atmosphere. CO2 is running at about 0.04%. The man-made portion of that is less than 10%. So O2 > 20%, man-made CO2 < 0.004%; Oxygen is over 5,000 times as plentiful as CO2.

I have seen no evidence to suggest that the climate is any worse now than it was before the Industrial Age. We still had floods, droughts, fires, hurricanes, typhoons etc then and we still have them now. We have always been superstitious about what causes these problems. We tend to think that man has done it - but then we always did. See the video.

I'm praying for the first possibility, but I'm fearful that the second one will end up becoming reality...

Neither will happen and the second one is fiction .

Global Warming is a big problem.

In the future do you think:

The human race will fix global warming and people turn to more greener options, the carbon footprint has been reduced and oxygen levels increase to a normal state. and the world has been saved!


The human race gets a bit lazy and recycling just isn't enough. Co2 continues to increase and oxygen levels decrease, Species die off, more animals become extinct and our world will get really hot, winter will never be a thing again and that leads to Earth dyeing too.

What do you think?