> So catastrophic global warming is nigh, it's just that the evidence for it is in computer models, not in the tempera

So catastrophic global warming is nigh, it's just that the evidence for it is in computer models, not in the tempera

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Is your use of rank data a sign that you can't justify your exponential models?

Have you actually seen "Years of Living Dangerously"? I am curious why they are making so many claims that CO2 emissions are causing so much. Where are the studies showing the causal relationship? I would expect a statistical analysis accounting for multiplicity. For example, it is know that one of the reasons for forest fires becoming a problems is because we have better technology at dealing with forest fires. We stop them quickly which builds up the undergrowth and makes the next forest fire that much more difficult to control. Yet it is because of the droughts, which are because of AGW which is because of CO2 emissions? Does this really pass for science in your view?

And the title "End of the Woods"? What is that?

You see, you try to claim that the "deniers" are anti-science, but what are these people? If the IPCC is saying that by 2100 we will have 3 degrees of warming, without even dealing with the fact that 97% of their models are currently overestimating the warming and assume most of the warming is coming after 2050, who is lying more?

The person claiming 10 degrees by 2100 or the person claiming 0 degrees? Who is lying more? The eprson claiming no problem or the person claiming the end of the woods?

The temperature data does support it.


Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2011 and 2012.


Raisin Caine

< I am curious why they are making so many claims that CO2 emissions are causing so much.>

Follow my links.

I did not mention forest fires in my response.

The person who is lying is the one who intentionally misleads. Lying =/= wrong, if the error is an honest mistake, or not having all the facts.

Was the intell saying that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq a lie, or was it just outdated?

For the record, even though I believe the intell, I did not support the invasion of Iraq. Wars should be started by the bad guys. To call ourselves the "good guys," we need a moral line which only bad guys will cross, like dropping the first bombs.

just for full disclosure , how much does the fossil fuel industry pay to be a denier ?

Do you haven an idea what the travesty was about?

Btw glaciers do not obey emails

And the top climate scientists tell each other privately it's a "travesty" that the actual data disprove their theory, while publicly claiming the science is settled and only lunatics dare to question it?

And that's what you guys are calling "science"?

What makes you think everyone else is as credulous or dishonest as you are?