> Its a nice 70 degrees f outside in the midwest Where did global warming go?

Its a nice 70 degrees f outside in the midwest Where did global warming go?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Your temperature has very little to with global warming, and a lot to do with weather. It reached over 120 F near where I live today.

EDIT: I see that Ian is lying again. That is, he is asking questions and giving answers again.

Why does every "skeptic" need to lie to support their viewpoint? Are they sociopaths, or just lazy and stupid?

Weather IS NOT climate until an alarmist tells you IT IS climate.

ex. 70F in the midwest is local weather. 115F in Las Vegas is definitely global warming.




Low compared with what? Other urban areas? Probably, Except for some links from the 1940s and earlier by Madd Maxx and NW Portland Jack, I have not seen much recent data on urban CO2 domes except from Phoenix.

But compared with that of non-urban areas, carbon dioxide in Phoenix is high.



Look the word global in a dictionary and ask a nearby adult (truant officer, juvenile hall administrator, 4th grade teacher, etc.) to explain the definition to you.

the midwest is a nice place, but it's not GLOBAL, and weather is not climate

Now be told; the greenies have determined it's gone into the ocean.

If asked however, why are the oceans not getting warmer, they shrug their metaphorical shoulders and change the subject.

Maybe Death valley where the media is waiting with bated breath hoping for a record high temperature so they can announce to the world about the dangers of global warming.

It all went out to Phoenix, where ironically the CO2 level is low.

Now will you fellows ever give the greenies a break!? They are busy trying to raise our taxes and go to a one world government. And you fools are letting reason get in the way. How cruel can you get.

Perhaps if you actually took the time to educate yourself you would understand things better. Educating yourself doesn't mean taking one side or the other.

climate shift, not global warming