> If a global warming denier actually read some science, would they be called a D.I.N.O.?

If a global warming denier actually read some science, would they be called a D.I.N.O.?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What science do you want us to read, thanks to you I have re-read, about Clausius Clapeyron, and Stefan Boltzmann equations, what else do you suggest.

I would love to read some science. I would love to see a statistical analysis done which accounts for multiplicity. Unfortunately, its not in the report.

If a global warming cultist actually understood science, would they finally get it through their thick skull that science doesn't supply value judgments whereas policy requires them?


I can see it now something along their lines of comprehension..."Dick and Jane see Spot run to avoid rising seas"

In an open question, three of the biggest deniers in here admitted they formed their opinion of the National Climate Assessment Report by NOT reading it, which made me wonder: If a denier were so bold as to actually try READING SOME SCIENCE, rather than denial propaganda blogs, would they be drummed out of the denial corps? Would they be considered D.I.N.O.s (Deniers In Name Only)?