> Are the winters in New England going to get colder and longer or shorter and warmer due to climate change/global warming

Are the winters in New England going to get colder and longer or shorter and warmer due to climate change/global warming

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

The answer is yes.

You see Climate change is not about making predictions. It is about scaring the world to collect more tax money. These are NOT scientists, these are charlatans. They do not make ANY predictions except change. Change ALWAYS occurs and has always occurred. So they are always right. Instead of being able to predict events as done in every other field of science, they will wait for any natural event to occur and then tell you that it was caused by YOU being sinful and using CO2.

And while Obama and Al Gore fly around and create more CO2 in a day than a normal person would in a year, the problem is YOU, not them. And while they could simply work towards more nuclear power plants to fix the problem, they don't want to. Nuclear power is relatively inexpensive, and they can't tax you and take more of your money if they use an intelligent solution. They want you scared so that they can take your money and have you thanks them for saving you from an imagined climat eapocalypse that will never occur.

This is the state. And the warmers will come here and call me a liar and say whatever other crap they want to say. What they will not do, however, is provide any evidence at all that anything I have said is untrue.

They had climate change featured on the Today show. They actually stated that many americans think that CC is exaggerated. Then they went on to state that all of the extreme weather events that have occurred since the Earth formed are caused by man AND they did a nice artists rendition of cities flooding.

THat right. They had the audacity to act like the US public is wrong for thinking that climate change is being exaggerated whilest exaggerating the problem.

Why do this? Because it is about sacrifice. Not sacrifice for the rich and powerful. Sacrifice for you. You need to pay more of your hard-earned dollars. You need to go without. You need to change your lifestyle. And wait until the Hollywood types come out. Wearing the fancy clothes that they will wear once and throw away. Living their decadent lifestyles whilst telling us to be ashamed of ourselves for our waste.

But believe their tears as they tell you their concern for the poor 3rd world countries. They will completely fail to mention that those greeny charities that are supposed to help PEOPLE, are stopping 3rd world countries from having the energy they need to better their lives and come out of living in squalor.

Exactly right, but I would not entirely rule out colder and shorter or warmer and longer, either.

The science is settled and anyone who says different is an idiot.

If the climate changes then that will be a change in climate so that will be due to climate change. On the other hand, if the climate does not change then that will be a change because the climate always changes so that will be climate change as well. Even if neither of those things happen it will be consistent with climate change/global warming.

Therefore we caused it. Please send money.

It really depends on what the jet stream does.

The thing is, we have all these nice currents that move heat around. That's the reason why, even in the middle of a long Arctic winter night, the surface doesn't get as cold as the moon does at night.

Changes in the Earth's average heat content can change the currents that move heat around. If a current that used to move heat from point A to point B (or move cold air or water from point B to point A, which is functionally the same thing, since that air displaces and will be replaced by other air or water), then warming can do one of three things.

If warming doesn't change the current, then both places will warm, somewhere around the "average" amount of warming, barring other factors.

If warming strengthens (or creates) that current, then more heat will go from A to B. B will heat up more than the average, and A will heat up less than the average, or even cool.

If warming weakens (or completely disrupts) that current, then less heat will go from A to B. Same result as the last one, except reversed.

The Arctic has been warming faster than the rest of the world. It's not because of massive CO2 concentrations over the North Pole. Part of the extra warming is from albedo effects (sea water absorbs more sunlight than ice), and part of it is from changes in the air circulation patterns, including the jet stream. The part that's from air circulation changes will result in colder-than-expected weather somewhere *else*.

So, my guess is, since New England is (afaik) one of the places that tends to get cold Arctic air when the jet stream wobbles, the area will, on *average*, have colder and longer winters (that is, have more winters where they get lots of Arctic air and are very cold because of it). But, that average will keep creeping up as the planet warms, until eventually the Arctic-influenced winters are as warm and short as the "normal" winters used to be, and the non-Arctic-influenced winters are even warmer and shorter.

My bet, with 51% confidence at this time, is winter will get colder and longer until at least 2040.

I based this on projections from Solar physicists on the activity of the sun.

Google: Variable Solar Dynamo as published by NOVA by C. DeJager and S. Duhau

Understand that NASA's solar observatory, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the US Air Force Research Lab ALL independently verified the scientific findings in this paper. Its BIG news for satellites among other things...

When you see projections about the "pause" lasting until at least 2040 and returning to a warming pattern thereafter, this is why they choose 2040. They say at least because of our current technological limitations only allow us to "see" deep enough into the sun to project out to 2040 and the current trends will last that long based on what we can "see" now.

Ignore these denialist straw man arguments and also the dumb "warmers" who support these claims.

It is called global WARMING. Of course it will lead to the winters in New England going to get shorter and warmer, but the effect could be very small.

